I was Lehi's wife that went into the desert when God commanded.
I was the prophet sent to teach King Noah who sentenced me to death.
I killed Phaoran II.
Helaman 1:9
I am the first King of Zarahemla and known for translating the Jaredite record.
King Mosiah
How did Joseph Smith know exactly where to dig for the Golden Plates?
From a vision
I stole the hearts of many, including Alma's son Corianton, who for a time forsook the ministry to go after me.
Nephi quoted this prophet often.
1 Nephi 19:23
I killed Pacumeni.
Helaman 1:21
Coriantumr (the dissenter)
I offered my daughter to Ammon to marry.
King Lamoni
What was Nephi instructed to write on the plates, now referenced as the small plates of Nephi?
An account of the ministry of my people.
I tried to soften wicked hearts with my tears.
Reference 1 Nephi 7:19; 18:19
The wife of Nephi, a daughter of Ishmael.
What sign did Nephi give the Nephites to prove he was a prophet?
Their Chief Judge's death
We were a secret criminal organization that used murder and plunder to destabilize society and overthrow the government.
The Gadianton Robbers.
I was a Nephite King that was told by Abinadi that I and my people needed to repent.
King Noah
In addition to the Gold Plates, what else did Joseph Smith claim to see hidden in the stone box?
A breastplate and the Urim and Thummim.
We were described by Nephi and his brothers as Strong like men, and whose sufferings were worse than death.
1 Nephi 17:1, 20
Nephi and his brothers wives.
I was Mormon's son, a leader of the Nephite Army and the last Nephite Prophet.
I was a wicked Lamanite King who attacked Zeniff and his Nephite followers after giving them two cities.
King Laman
Not only was I the last Jaredite King, I was the last Jaredite.
Omni 1:21
After first locating the stone box with the Gold Plates, what did Joseph Smith do?
Left them there and returned once each year to meet with Moroni.
I was the Lamanitish woman who called the people when the spirit overcame Ammon and the King's household.
I was a wicked priest of King Noah, that after hearing Abinadi's words, changed my ways and became a Prophet.
I argued boldly against God's Church and killed Gideon. In the end, I was put to death.
Alma 1:15
I was the grandson of King Zeniff who also became the king of my people.
King Limhi
In total, how many witnesses were there of the existence of the Gold Plates, excluding Joseph Smith?
There were 11 total witnesses