Who is the third son of Lehi?
Who is Sam?
Why did Nephi's family ship almost sink?
Lamen tied Nephi to the ship's mast.
The tree in Lehi's vision represented this.
What is the love of God?
Where did Lehi and his family sail to?
The Promised Land
In Lehi's dream, the people held onto this as they tried to get to the tree.
The Iron Rod
This prophet was burned alive
Who is Abinadi?
What gift did Lehi receive to help guide them on their journey?
What is the Liahona?
Which biblical prophet does Nephi quote most?
Who is Isaiah?
What city is Laman and Lemuel from?
The Anti-Christ, Korihor, asked for this as he contended with Alma.
What is a sign
These are the names of Lehi's sons who were born in the wilderness
Who are Joseph and Jacob?
Laman and Lemuel were angry with Nephi because he broke what?
What is his Bow?
In 1 Nephi chapter 2, how did the Lord command Lehi to leave Jerusalem with his family.
In a dream
Name the hill where Moroni buried the gold plates.
Name the great warrior who snuck into the Lamanite war camps and killed their king with a spear through the heart
Helaman had two sons, name one
Who is either Nephi or Lehi?
What happened at the Waters of Mormon?
What is Alma baptized about 200 Nephites
What did God give us the power to do while we are on earth?
What is to act for ourselves- Agency
While Lehi's family was journeying in the wilderness, they travelled near the borders of what sea?
What is the Red Sea
What year does the Book of Mormon begin?
600 BC
The longest book in the Book of Mormon is named after this prophet who shares a name with his father.
Who is Alma?
The most important event in the Book of Mormon, this is what we study in 3 Nephi.
What is "Christ comes to the Americas"?
These are the four first principles and ordinances of the gospel taught by Jesus Christ to the Nephites.
What are faith, repentance, baptism, gift of the Holy Ghost?
What was the capital city of the Nephites?
The city of Zarahelma
When Corianton had a question, he got advice from this prophet (who was also his dad)
Who is Alma the Younger
What is the name of the Brother of Jared?
Mahonri Moriancumer
What happened to the Lamanite king when Ammon taught his the gospel?
What is he became unconscious.
What doctrines is taught in Moroni 10: 4-5?
The Holy Ghost testifies of the Book of Mormon and the truth of all things
What is the name of the city where Christ appeared to the Nephites after the resurrection?
The City of Bountiful
What is the promised blessing in the sacrament prayers? Moroni 4-5
What is "We can always have His Spirit to be with us."