How many stones did the brother of Jared make?
16 stones
What was the building in Lehi’s dream called?
The great and spacious biulding
What did king benjamin stand on so people could hear/ see him?
A tall tower
I appeared to this person as an angel in the latter days.
Joseph smith
How old was Mormon when he took charge of the nephite armies?
16 years old
True or false? Heavenly Father said I will take care of air, I’ll tell you what to do for guidance, you figure out light.
True or false? Nephi broke his bow of steel and made a new one of wood.
The sons of mosiah were… At first.
Wicked like Alma the younger
Where did I bury the plates?
Hill cumorah
Who was Mormons father
How long were the Jaradites at the beach?
About 4 years
What did nephi do to keep lamen and lamuel away from hurting him when he was building a boat?
God gave him the power to shock them
what were the names of king Mosiah‘s sons?
Aaron, Omner, Himni, and Ammon.
What building in the latter days am I often on top of?
True or false? I am a descendent Of lehi.
True. Mormon is a descendent of Nephi.
About how long was the brother of Jared in the barge?
About a year
What is the famous verse Nephi wrote and was made into a song?
1 Nephi 3:7
Finish this verse:
and behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in …
The service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.
What part of the Book of Mormon is the book of Moroni at?
a. I am not in there duh
b. End
c. Beginning
d. Middle
Who visited Mormon and told him to take the records from a hill when he was 24
What had the brother of Jared brought on the journey?
Friends, family, and their flocks
Why did Nephi‘s family split into two groups: the nephites and the lamanites
Nephi‘s brothers wanted to kill him so, the people who followed Nephi fled
Who was king Benjamin’s father?
And by the power of the ——————— —————- ye may know the truth of all things.
Holy ghost
list all the books in the Book of Mormon in order
1 nephi
2 nephi
words of mormon
3 nephi
4 nephi