This young prophet prayed in the forest to know the truth and had a vision of God and Jesus.
Joseph Smith
These items guided Lehi's family in the wilderness when they had faith.
Who do we worship as the Son of God
Jesus Christ
This prophet had to leave Jerusalem because God told him to.
This happened to Nephi’s brothers when they touched him while he had the power of God.
They were shocked
This prophet built a boat to cross the ocean because God commanded him to.
This group of young warriors was protected because of their faith and obedience to God.
The Stripling Warriors
Jesus visited this land after His resurrection.
Nephi built this so his family could cross the ocean.
Alma and Amulek were freed from prison when this happened.
This prophet taught King Noah to repent and was burned for his testimony.
This prophet stopped a battle by using his strength to pull down the city walls with God's help.
Captain Moroni
When Jesus visited the Nephites, He let them do this to His hands and feet.
Touch the marks from the nails
This was the name of Nephi's two older brothers who complained a lot.
Laman and Lemuel
This happened when the people of King Benjamin had faith in Jesus Christ.
This prophet hid the gold plates so Joseph Smith could find them later
This wicked group stole the Nephites’ records but later repented and became righteous.
What special prayer did Jesus teach the Nephites?
The Lord's Prayer
Nephi had to get this from Laban to teach his family the commandments.
Brass Plates
This miracle happened when Ammon protected King Lamoni’s flocks.
Cutting off the arms of the robbers