He wrote on small plates, built a ship to cross from Jerusalem to the Americas, and was the first king of his people.
These 2 brothers did not like Nephi being spiritual and trying to lead the family.
Laman and Lemuel
When Ammon protected King Lamoni's sheep. He cut off these from the men that attacked them.
Around what year did Joseph Smith find the golden plates to translate the Book of Mormon.
1820s (1827)
This is a belief that something is true although you do not know it 100%
He organized the book of Mormon and wrote many summaries of it.
He was the last Nephite and helped protect the plates while being surrounded by people that wanted to kill him.
These two escaped from prison with the help of God.
Lehi and Nephi.
Alma and Amulek.
Jesus appeared in the Americas around what year? Or how many years ago?
Around 2000 years ago.
When we sin we can be forgiven through this process
He was the son of a prophet that fought against the church in Zarahemla. He had a life changing vision and became the leader of the church.
Alma the Younger
He found the plates about 1400 years after they were buried. Moroni showed them to him.
Joseph Smith
He visited the Americas and appeared to the people at the temple. He took time to meet with each person.
Nephi left Jerusalem around this year.
600 BC.
This is the name for a law given from God that we should follow.
He lived before the Nephites. He prayed that his people would not have their language changed and helped them cross the sea to America.
The Brother of Jared
She knew King Lamoni was in a trance and taught the people about her belief in Christ while the royal family and Ammon were collapsed.
Teancum went to the tents of many Lamanite enemies and did what?
Took them out...
The Nephites were eliminated around this year.
400 AD
When Jesus appeared to the Nephites, he had what type of body?
A resurrected body
He prophesies to the Nephites that within 5 years the Lord would come and night would be as day.
He was the last Jaredite and Ether prophesied that he would not die in the battles.
This group of people merged with the Nephites. They had come over to the Americas separate from Nephi and his family.
The Mulekites
Around this time - the brother of Jared and his family left the other side of the world to come to the promised land.
2200 BC (4200 years ago)
It is valued above faith and hope. It is showing love towards others as Jesus did.