Prophets & People of the Book of Mormon
Military Leaders & Battles
Scripture Mastery
I compiled the Book of Mormon from hundreds of records that had been hidden in a cave.
Who is Mormon?
I was a Lamanite General who fled to the top of Mount Antipas with a majority of the Lamanite army.
Who is Lehonti?
This Father and Prophet taught his son the importance of sexual purity and the need to repent.
Who is Alma?

"I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded . . . "

What is 1 Nephi 3:7
We will sustain him as the 17th President of the Church in April General Conference
Who is President Russell M. Nelson?
I am one of the Anti-Christ's mentioned in the Book of Mormon, I contended with Alma (who was the High Priest of the Church), and killed Gideon.
Who is Nehor?
I was a Nephite dissenter that came to war against Captain Moroni. I was surrounded by the Nephite army and lost my "scalp" when I tried to kill Moroni! 
Who is Zerahemnah?
Name one reason Nephi was commanded to kill Laban.
What is: to obtain the Plates of Brass?

What is: to ensure Laban wouldn't follow them into the wilderness?

"Behold, I say unto you, wickedness never was happiness."
What is Alma 41:10
A BYU football fan does this when the Cougars win the National Championship.
What is: turns off the PS4?
I authored the shortest book in the Book of Mormon.
Who is Jarom?
I was a Nephite dissenter who conspired to be king of the Lamanites. I also "swore in my wrath" that I would drink the blood of captain Moroni. 
Who is Amalickiah?
In Alma 32, the prophet Alma teaches that we are more blessed when we choose to be __________ than when we are compelled to be _______________.
What is "humble"?

"Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy."

What is 2 Nephi 2:25

University of Utah Football players have "TGIF" painted on their shoes. What does "TGIF" stand for?
What is: "Toes Go In First"?

My name and prophecies about Christ are in the book of Mormon, but you don't have my full record. 

(Hint: my name begins with the same letter as the "great city" in the Book of Mormon)

Who is Zenock and Zenos?

In Alma Chapter 46 Captain Moroni tore his coat and wrote this on it. It became known as the Title of Liberty.

"In memory of our _____, our religion, and ________, and our peace, our wives, and our _________.

What is: God, Freedom, Children.

The doctrine of Christ includes the following five truths.
What is (1) Faith, (2) Repentance, (3) Baptism, (4) Gift of the Holy Ghost, (5) Enduring to the end?

 "And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." 

What is Mosiah 2:17
Two living Apostles who were fighter pilots in their younger years. 
Who are Elder Uchtdorf and Elder Hales?
Two part question:

(1) These are the three sons of the prophet Alma (the younger) who he addresses in Alma 36-42.

(2) These are the four sons of Mosiah who were rebuked by the angel with Alma.

(1) Who are Helaman, Shiblon, and Corianton?

(2) Who are Omner, Himni, Aaron, and Ammon?

When Captain Moroni prepared his people and armies for war with the Lamanites, he FIRST asked them to do this.
What is: pray and increase their faith?
King Benjamin taught in Mosiah 3 that "we may overcome the __________ _________ (who is an enemy to God) if we yield to the enticings of the Spirit and become as a little child.
What is "natural man"?

"Yea, and there shall be many which shall say: Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die; and it shall be well with us."

2 Nephi 28: 7-9
The difference between a University of Utah female student and an elephant.
What is: "about 10 pounds?"