Without _____ we are nothing
What was Moroni's father
This was the first land where Lehi's family settled after their ocean journey
What is the Land of Bountiful
This prophet saw the Tree of Life in vision.
"Who is Lehi?"
What word in the Book of Mormon means "honeybee"?
According to Mormon "a man ___ evil cannot ___ that which is good
being, do
The record that Moroni added to his father's record
The record of the Jaredites
This city was the capital of the Nephite nation for many years.
"What is Zarahemla?"
This prophet saw the Savior descend in glory to the Americas.
"Who is Nephi the Disciple?"
Who wrote the Book of Mormon Title Page
Who is Moroni?
The Spirit of Christ is given to every ___, that he may ____ good from evil.
man, know
(Moroni 7:16)
What was Moroni doing during the chapters of Mormon 7-9
Hiding from the Lamanites
This hill is where the golden plates were buried.
"What is the Hill Cumorah?"
This prophet saw the finger of God light up rocks for their journey
Who is Brother of Jared
This is the longest book in the Book of Mormon.
What is the book of Alma?
Moroni promised readers of the Book of Mormon that its truthfulness would be revealed unto them by the "power of the __________ __________" if they ask with real intent and faith in Christ.
Holy Ghost
Moroni describes the destruction of the Nephites in this previous book he completed
Book of Ether
Alma baptized in these waters near Mormon’s land.
"What are the Waters of Mormon?"
This prophet saw the future restoration of the gospel and its messenger.
"Who is Nephi (the son of Lehi)?"
This is the first thing that Lehi saw in his dream.
What is a man dressed in white?
Moroni was the last prophet of the ______
This ordinance is detailed by Moroni in chapter 3 of his book.
"What is the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost?"
This was the Lamanite city where Ammon converted the king.
"What is Ishmael?"
This prophet had a vision of the destruction of his people and recorded it in lamentation.
"Who is Mormon?"
These men are the 3 witnesses of the Book of Mormon.
Who are Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris?