What were the names of the three Nephites?
Unknown (3 Nephi 28:25)
How many days did Jesus teach the Nephites?
3 (3 Nephi 26:13)
Wise men build their house upon what?
Rock, Jesus Christ (3 Nephi 14:24)
What is the first fruit of repentance?
Baptism (Moroni 8:25)
True or False: Miracles have ceased among the children of men
False (Moroni 7:29)
Who was the last living Jaredite?
Coriantumr (Ether 15:30-32)
How many generations passed after Christ visited the Nephites before they were wicked again?
4 (3 Nephi 27:32)
What does the sacramental bread and water represent?
Body and blood of Christ (3 Nephi 18:7,11)
What is the final word written by Moroni?
Amen (Moroni 10:34)
What did the brother of Jared do to have light in the barges?
Lord touched stones to make them shine (Ether 3:4-6)
Who wrote Chapters 8 and 9 of the Book of Mormon?
Moroni (See headings)
How old was Mormon when Ammaron told him about the sacred engravings?
10 (Mormon 1:2)
BLANK is the gate and BLANK is the way that leads to life
Strait, Narrow (3 Nephi 27:33)
What does Mormon say is the most dear and precious above all things?
Chastity and Virtue (Moroni 9:9)
What type of body did the Lord have when he appeared to the brother of Jared?
Spirit (Ether 3:16-17)
Where does Mormon hide the sacred records?
Hill Cumorah (Mormon 6:6)
What other two events recorded in the Book of Mormon happened here?
How old was Mormon when he headed the armies of the Nephites?
16 (Mormon 2:2)
Jesus compares false prophets to this animal
Wolves in sheep’s clothing (3 Nephi 14:15)
How long were the Jaredites in their barges?
344 days, nearly a year! (Ether 6:11)
Side note: the Jaredites were living a long time. Coriantum lived to be 140 yeras old! (Ether 9:24)
This group of people do not need to be baptized.
Little children (Moroni 8:11)
Name 3 people that have been visited by Jesus outside of his Earthly life/resurrected ministry?
Brother of Jared, Moroni, Joseph Smith, Nephi, Stephen, Jacob, Isaiah, King Lamoni, Mormon, Emer, Sidney Rigdon, Enoch
The 9 Nephites asked to live to what age before returning to Christ?
Age of man, 72 years old (3 Nephi 28:2-3)
Where in the scriptures can you find the sacramental prayers? Book and Chapter
Moroni 4:3, 5:2 and D&C 20:77, 79
What language did Moroni say would have been best to use to record the Book of Mormon?
Hebrew (Mormon 9:33)
What language was used instead?
What was the name of the hill where Ammaron hid the records?
Shim (Mormon 4:23)