What name has 4 books in the Book of Mormon
What does the tree of life represent?
Love of God
Who Said: "When ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God?"
King Benjamin
What is longest book in the Book of Mormon?
What does the iron rod represent?
Word of God
Name 3 women who are specifically mentioned by name in the Book of Mormon
Sariah, Isabel, Abish, Eve, Sarah, Mary
Faith is compared to what type of seed by Alma?
Mustard seed
What is the name of the Brother of Jared?
Mahonri Moriancumer
Which prophet saw in a vision about Columbus, the Puritans, American Indian wars, and Revolutionary war and told about them in the Book of Mormon?
How many books are there in the Book of Mormon?
What does the tame olive tree represent in the allegory of the olive trees?
House of Israel