Before the Crash
Bubbles, Banks & Hobos
Farms, Roosevelt & Big Changes
Dust Bowls, More Changes & War!
These were all names for the 1920s
What are The Roaring 20s, The Jazz Age, and The New Era
Tuesday, October 29,1929, the day the stock market crashed, is known by this colorful name.
What is Black Tuesday?
Farmers had no money to hire people to harvest, so this happened to the crops
What is they were wasted?
No rain and farmers plowing up the grasses caused this.
What is The Dust Bowl?
Even though no one wanted war it solved the problem of the Great Depression by doing this.
What is creating millions of jobs?
These were cheap enough now that middle class families could own them
What are cars?
Since these businesses do not keep enough money on site, and borrowed money to buy stocks for themselves, many of them went out of business.
What are the banks?
If a farmer were about to lose his farm, his neighbors would help him out by having one of these.
What is a Penny Auction?
Many people living on the plains left and drove here to find work on farms.
What is California?
Since most of the men were joining the armed forces, women had to go to work in factories building ships and planes. Their hard work earned them this name.
What is Rosie the Riveter?
Families enjoyed these for entertainment
What are movies and radio shows?
No one was buying gadgets and toys anymore, so this happened to the factories.
What is they went out of business?
President Hoover decided to build this to help create jobs
What is The Hoover Dam?
In 1935, President Roosevelt began new reform laws, such as, the NLRA, WPA, and the Social Security Act. These new reforms helped accomplish this.
What is giving workers more money and power?
Roosevelt changed the way people view the government. They went from thinking that the government has no business in peoples' lives to this.
What is the government is responsible for the well being of its people?
Buying things on credit was a new way of shopping. This was the motto
What is 'Buy now, pay later'?
Many people blamed President Hoover for what had happened, so they named things after him.
What are Hoover flags, Hoover blankets, Hoovervilles, Hoover Hogs, and Hoover leather?
This president created several programs that helped people get food and jobs. TERA, CWA, FERA, AND CCC were a few.
Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?
Franklin D. Roosevelt was the only president to ever do this.
What is serve 3 terms as president?
This man took over as president when FDR died.
Who is Harry Truman?
It was a hot time to buy stocks because of credit. This is where people went to buy stocks.
What is Wall Street or the New York Stock Exchange?
These were the men who rode trains around the country looking for work.
What are Hobos?
Roosevelt concentrated on these 3 Rs to help turn the Great Depression around.
What are Relief, Recovery and Reform?
World War II began in 1939 when Germany, Italy and Japan began invading other countries. The United States stayed out of the war until this happened on December 7, 1941.
What is the bombing of Pearl Harbor?
When FDR was president during the Great Depression, he asked Congress for this.
What is Broad Executive power? (The kind of power a president has during wartime)