She’s the One
In the Company of Books
A Whole New World
Plot Twists and Turns
The Last Chapter

This main character ran into her future boss in the forest escaping while on the job hunt.

Who is Evie?


Our main protagonist might be a vampire, but she was forced to marry this mythical creature. 

What is a werewolf?


The setting of Faebound takes place in this unlikely place.

What is a cave?


Which character faces an unexpected demise in City of Gods and Monsters?

Who is Bandit (the dog)?


This sequel left us seeing the main character becoming a villain herself.... we will see

What is Apprentice to The Villian? 


This is the main weapon used by the warrior sister in Faebound.

What is drums?


In When The Moon Hatched, the main character is left aiming to defend these creatures.

What is a dragon?


This sequel takes place in the deadly desert for a large portion of the book. 

What is Reckless?


Emilie took care of this future in law at the end of book two. 

Who is Wendell's stepmother? 


This character was kidnapped and arrested at the end of Assistant to the Villain.

Who is Tristan (the villian)?


This main character was personally chosen by Hades to compete in a series of games creates by the gods. 

Who is Lyra?


The woodland creature assisted Wendell and Emilie on their research in the first book by showing them the use of doors. 

Who is Poe?


While The Familiar is a fantasy-driven book, it takes place during this time period. 

What is the Spanish Inquisition? 


At the end of Blood Over Bright Haven, this character faces the consequences of their choices, and makes a great sacrifice for the city. 

Who is Sciona?


Finally having to return to the castle, Payden is met with this request from the unlikely brother. 

What is a marriage proposal? 


The main character of When the Moon Hatched suffers from this diagnosis? 

What is amnesia?


While we might have had our suspicions at the beginning, the HR manager turns the series around with her help.

Who is Becky?


This is where we see our main character sleeping during most of her days in Bride, well is she is a vampire. 

What is a closet?


While she was wildly beloved, it could not stay the end she faced when she was forced into a maze and had her finger broken moments before seeing her best friend.

Who is Adena?


We never discover the end of this book because Rachel and I did not finish it (Sorry Brantley). 

What is Throne of the Fallen?


In The Priory of the Orange Tree, this dragon-riding heroine from the East plays a pivotal role in defending her world from a deadly, ancient dragon threat.

Who is Tane?


We see this four-legged creature join us in the Emilie Wilde sequel. 

Who is Olga (the cat)?


In Priory of The Orange Tree, this is the reason we see many people avoiding one of the major islands. 

What is the plague? 


This character meets an unlikely demise in Heartless, causing a bigger rift between his witch hunting brother and his biggest crush. 

Who is Alex? 


In Priory of The Orange Tree, we leave our characters doing this for the future. 

What is rebuiliding the kingdom, fallin in love, etc....