C.S. Lewis once said he was inspired to write "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" after imagining a picture, something he later put in the story itself. What was in the picture?
A fawn, carrying Christmas packages and an umbrella.
How does Despereaux's love for stories impact his life?
A: Despereaux's love for stories sets him apart from other mice and leads him to take risks that ultimately shape his destiny. His passion for storytelling helps him connect with Princess Pea and ultimately saves her.
Where was Jane Austen born?
Jane Austen was born in Steventon, Hampshire, England on December 16, 1775
What is Charles Dickens's most famous opening line
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times
What do the initials J.R.R. stand for in Tolkien's name
john Ronald Reuel.
During which war is the book set?
The children were evacuees during World War II. Interestingly, C.S. Lewis also took in evacuee children during that time.
Who is the main antagonist in the story?
The main antagonist is Roscuro, a rat.
Which of Jane Austen's novels was her first published work
Sense and Sensibility" was Jane Austen's first published novel in 1811
How many children did Charles Dickens have?
Charles Dickens had ten children.
Where was Tolkien born
Bloemfontein, in the Orange Free State (now South Africa).
Who said the following? "Farewell, Daughter of Eve. Perhaps I may keep the handkerchief?"
Mr. Tumnus
This question was given to to Lucy Pevensie when she was leaving Tumnus and returning to the wardrobe. Lucy did allow Tumnus to keep the handkerchief. Before Tumnus was arrested and turned into stone, he gave the handkerchief to Mr. Beaver, who then showed it to Lucy when she returned as proof that he could be trusted.
What does Despereaux love that sets him apart from other mice?
Despereaux loves reading books and listening to stories.
How many novels did Jane Austen publish during her lifetime
Jane Austen published four novels during her lifetime: "Sense and Sensibility," "Pride and Prejudice," "Mansfield Park," and "Emma.
What pseudonym did Charles Dickens use for some of his early works
Who was a close friend and fellow writer that influenced Tolkien?
C.S. Lewis, author of "The Chronicles of Narnia.
Where are Mr and Mrs Beaver leading Peter, Susan and Lucy to meet Aslan?
The Stone Table
There are also many other Narnian residents there to meet them, such as Dryads, Naiads, Centaurs, and a Unicorn.
Who is the author of "The Tale of Despereaux"?
The author is Kate DiCamillo.
What is the famous opening line of "Pride and Prejudice
The famous opening line is: "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.
What was Charles Dickens's first job at the age of 12
he worked at Warren's Blacking Warehouse pasting labels on pots of boot blacking
How many children did Tolkien have
Four children: John, Michael, Christopher, and Priscilla.
hat is the name of the professor?
Professor Kirke
Professor Kirke also appears in "The Magician's Nephew", the first book in "The Chronicles of Narnia", as the young boy, Digory.
What is the name of the kingdom where the story takes place?
The story takes place in the Kingdom of Dor.
Which of Jane Austen's novels was published posthumously
Northanger Abbey" and "Persuasion" were published posthumously in 1818
How many novels did Charles Dickens publish during his lifetime
He published 15 novels.
What is the name of Tolkien's fictional language inspired by Finnish