Remembrance of Allah
Ten Proofs for Existence of God
Islamic Mode of Worship
Signs of the Living God
Unity of God

What does Dhikrullah mean?

Remembering God Almighty


Does Allah only reveal/speak to good people?

No. He even talks with base and wicked individuals to force upon them a conclusive argument of His truth. So, at times, even lowly and evil sections of society experience dreams and revelations.


What is the minimum number of people requires for congregation?



When do calamities strike?

When God has raised a Messenger.


What is the ultimate objective of religion?

Establish a relationship with God.


Does Remembrance of Allah have a higher rank than striving in the way of Allah (Jihad)?

Yes. The Holy Prophet (sa) said that the remembrance of Allah holds a very high rank. The Companions asked the Messenger of Allah whether its rank was even higher than striving in the cause of Allah? He replied in the affirmative, that it was even greater in rank than this jihad] because the remembrance of Allah encourages one to undertake the striving.


Give an example of how people who believe in God and have faith in him are given success.

Ex. Moses became king, Jesus' followers became rulers of countries, Prophet Muhammad (sa)


Name one purpose of worship.

To establish a relationship with God Almighty through

A) cleansing people of their sins and evil inclinations.

B) to articulate gratitude to God


What calamity was referred to in the Prophecy of the Promised Messiah (as) by the use of the word "zalzala"?



What is one concept that all Faiths ascribe to?

Divine Unity


For a person, whose obligatory prayers might not get accepted because of some deficiency, what can fulfill that deficiency?

Offering nawafil


Give one example of how people who reject God are met with a disgraceful end.

Ex. Pharoah, enemies of Gods and Prophets


What should the congregation do if the imam makes a mistake during namaz?

If during the namaz the imam commits a mistake, any member of the congregation may draw attention to it by gently saying subhanalläh (Holy is Allah); but if the imam does not heed this then it is incumbent on the congregation to continue to follow the imam until the end of the namaz.


The Promised Messiah (as) predicted a great calamity in the form of a Revelation with the word "zalzala". What interpretation did he give for this word?

In the words of the Promised Messiah (as):"I am quite amazed for I have said over and over again that in the first reckoning the word zalzala which appears in my prophecies refers to earthquakes. And if not, then it could denote another extraordinary catastrophe which bears close resemblance to an earthquake and possesses within it all of its characteristics. And yet despite this clarification such critics will not be satisfied.


What are the 2 topics within the Book Unity of God that Hazrat Khalifatul Masih the 2nd spoke on?

1) The Holy prophets teaching and emphasis on the unity of God

2) The Holy Prophet's teachings and practices regarding non-Muslims


Should we be doing dhikr very loudly?

No, Once, the Holy Prophet (sa) was walking along with his companions when suddenly they said Alläho Akbar, Allãho Akbar loudly. Hazrat Abu Musa narrates that the Holy Prophet (sas) advised them, 'Have mercy on yourselves. Why do you not speak softly? The One Whom you are calling is neither deaf nor absent; quite the contrary, He hears you well and is near you and with you'


How can we say that prayers are accepted by God rather than being a consequence of random events?

Because acceptance of prayer is accompanied by signs. For example, the Promised Messiah (as) suggested a set of patients suffering from a serious malady ought to be selected and divided into groups. One set of patients ought to be treated and cared for by doctors, whereas he would pray for the second lot and from this it could be seen as to which patients made the better recovery. What doubt can there be in such a test? Accordingly, he once prayed for the victim of a dog bite who had been struck down by rabies. The doctors in Kasauli'7 refused to treat him and gave a written statement that his condition was incurable. However, through the prayers of the Promised Messiah (as) he returned to health.


Why do Muslims face the Kaabah during namaz?

When Muslims face the Ka'bah during the namaz this does not mean that they consider it an object of worship. Rather, when this [house of prayer] was being built, Abrahamas supplicated to God to raise a prophet from here who would guide people and purify them. Because the Holy Prophets (sa) claimed to be the prophet [who came in fulfilment of this prayer]-Muslims face the Ka'bah to remind themselves of this promise and to seek to reform their deeds.


Give any 2 revelations of the Promised Messiah (as).

1)I shall carry your message to the four corners of the earth

2) People and gifts will come to you from the far flung places of the world.

3)A Warner came unto the world, but the world accepted him not; yet God shall manifest His favour and demonstrate his truth with powerful assaults.


Which Surah categorizes the 4 main types of shirk and all other kinds of shirk come under this category?

Surah Ikhlas


What are the 4 kinds of dhikr enjoined in the Holy Quran?

1) The first of these is Salat; 2) the recitation of the Holy Quran; 3) repeatedly making mention of the attributes of Allah, acknowledging their truthfulness and verbalizing their details; 4) to pro-claim the attributes of Allah in public just as one does in private.


Give any 5 of the ten Proofs given in the book for the Existence of God.

1) those who affirm the existence of God and shoe themselves to be His True servants always attain victory and success.

2) the testimony of numerous righteous people ought to be accepted and given preference to over the claims of uninformed people whose integrity cannot compare with the former. (Referring to Prophets)

3) Human nature itself is evidence of Allah Almighty for there are certain Evils human nature inherently abhors

4) If human beings ponder over the origins of creation, it perforce leads them to the acceptance of a being who is the ultimate creator of all things.

5) There is never a system of design to those things which come together through


What is the wisdom behind different postures adopted in namaz?

To attach the heart to God Almighty during worship is to enter into a posture which might induce humility, so that this affects the soul and brings sorrow and meekness to the heart and allows people to focus on God Almighty with full fervour. The spectacle of a Muslim standing before God Who is Lord of all the worlds at times with folded hands, bending low, standing with open hands and arms hanging from the sides], falling in prostration or sitting resting on the knees is awe-inspiring. [And in the process of these movements] his heart is filled with the love a created life] harbours for its Creator and the entirety of his being emits the prayer: 'God! I render homage to You through all those acts which the different peoples of the world have assumed as postures of humility.'


How was the Revelation against Alexander Dowie fulfilled?

On one occasion when Dowie issued a series of poisonous and offensive claims against Islam, the Promised Messiahas published a handbill against him and said he would be overtaken by a grievous torment. Subsequently, Dowie's wife and son turned against him and he was shown to be of illegitimate birth. His followers also left him. In the end he was stricken by paralysis and died in a state of madness.


Why is the fact that God sent Prophets and Warners to all people and nations in the world important to the concept of Divine Unity?

"When a nation considers that God sent prophets or autar to them exclusively-no one else-it also creates a delusion that this nation has its own, unique god. Once this misconception spreads among every people, it will create a sense of national gods in the world, instead of an all-embracing view that God Almighty is the Creator of all people. Every community will hold the insular belief that they have an exclusive god who belongs only to them and disregards other nations; it will present a very narrow concept of God." - Unity of God page 1