FDR's Policies
The Great Depression
Culture Wars

THIS substance created friction in households leading to an overall government ban with the implementation of the 18th amendment which prohibited further use.

What is alcohol? 


This party is known for making progressive changes in society during the Progressive Era.

What is the Democratic Party?


This industry was the first industry on FDR's radar when he created policies to help recover from the Great Depression.

What is the banking industry?


The Great Depression began on October 29, 1929 and in history, is also referred to using this moniker (name.)

What is "Black Tuesday?"


These specific laws in the South prevented African Americans the same freedoms afforded to white Americans.

What are the Jim Crow laws?

This pandemic in the United States, also referred to as the Purple Death, caused more casualties than WWI, WWII, the Korean War and the Vietnam War combined. 

What is the Spanish Flu?


The Republican party uses the acronym G.O.P which stands for...

What is the Grand Old Party?


This insurance program still exists today and financially assists those who are retired or disabled.

What is social security?


This march happened in Washington D.C. in 1932 and was facilitated by WWI veterans.

What is the Bonus March?


The Gender wars of the 1920s helped birth the name of these young women who did not adhere to societal norms.

What are flappers?


This amendment passed by Congress on June 4, 1919 granted women the right to vote.

What is the 19th Amendment?


As the public craved for a "return to normalcy" after the turmoil of the 19-TEENS this political party gained control of politics.

What is the Republican party?


In 1933, this Act established the FDIC and separated commercial and investment banking.

What is the Glass-Steagall Act?


This New Deal program helped to employ millions of young men for six months at a time at a pay rate of $30 per month. 

What is the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC?)


Hollywood and the entertainment industry exploded thanks to the invention of one of these technological inventions.

What is the radio, movies or phonograph?


An outbreak of racial violence between blacks and whites that began in Chicago and then spread to at least 26 other American cities in a short time period.

What is Red Summer?


The lack of Government oversight on the banking industry and the stock market caused this event to happen in American History.

What is the Great Depression?


This act set the standards for production, prices and wages in several industries. 

What is the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA or NRA)?


This program implemented during the Great Depression helped employ artists and authors, which helped to create great pieces of work that we still appreciate it today. 

What is the Works Progress Administration (WPA?)


Thanks to the invention of cars, traveling by car increased giving way to this industry expanding.

What is the advertisement industry?


This president facilitated a treaty signing between countries who fought during WWI, which later became known as the Treaty of Versailles.

Who is Woodrow Wilson?


The Supreme Court deemed a couple of FDR's Great Depression programs as "unconstitutional." What is one program dismantled by the Supreme Court?

What is the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) OR what is the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA or NRA)?


This act empowered the National Labor Relations Board to mediate union issues with employers.

What is the Wagner Act?

Today's workforce can thank this act established in 1938 to assist us in securing feasible working hours and wages. 

What is the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938?


This Great Depression program forced more traditional communities to grapple with modern ideas when camps were created near their small towns.

What is the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC?)