The definition of a fallacy.
What are flaws in reasoning that weaken arguments?
An emotion.
What is a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others?
What are thoughts, emotions, and behaviors?
True or False: Suspiciousness is an emotion.
What is True?
The difference between making a guess and jumping to conclusions.
What is... making a guess has a lower confidence level and is open to change of mind. Jumping to conclusions is a high confidence level with minimal information and rigid thought.
Slippery Slope
True or False: We can be 100% certain about how another person is feeling.
What is false?
The definition of cognition.
What are the mental actions or processes of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and sensation.
The importance of addressing and resolving suspiciousness.
What is... to prevent any inappropriate interpersonal communication (e.g. accusatory statements)?
The three "characters" of appraising a situation.
Who are Blaming Bill, My-Fault Mary, Easy Eddy?
Sunk Cost
What is choosing to continue investing time, money, or effect into something just because you've already spent a lot on it-- even when it no longer makes sense nor seems beneficial?
What are the 7 basic emotions?
Happy, Sad, Angry, Surprised, Disgusted, Ashamed, Afraid
What is the thought?
What are the 3 external factors that influence suspiciousness?
Location, appearance, and behavior
The Pros and Cons of Easy Eddy.
What are...
Pros: Minimal feeling of negative emotions, increased resilience.
Cons: Does not attribute blame or cause where blame or cause should be attributed.
What is a personal attack?
What are the facial cues for guessing someone's emotion?
Eyebrows, cheeks, mouth
What is the emotion?
What are the 3 internal factors that influence suspiciousness?
What Blaming Bill, My-Fault Mary, and Easy Eddy say about John, who was left on read by his crush.
What is...
Blaming Bill - He's a jerk who likes being mean.
My-Fault Mary - I must have done something to upset him!
Easy Eddy - I'm sure he's just busy or didn't see it. He'll get back to me eventually.
Hasty Generalization
What is making a broad claim based on insufficient evidence ("Seen one, seem em' all.")?
The shape you can mentally lay over an individual's face to increase accuracy of guessing their emotion.
What is a triangle?
This category includes catastrophizing, jumping to conclusions, mind reading, "should" statements, and personalization among other things.
What is a cognitive distortion?
The three types suspicion experiences.
What is justified, ambiguious, and unjustified.
The three phases that indicate a guess.
What is "Looks like...", "Probably...", and "Maybe..."?