Moving my Body
Fueling my Body
Fueling my Mind
Taking Care of my Health
Using Self-management Skills

True or False: Physical activity affects the ability to pay attention (focus and concentrate)? 

True: Physical activity, especially cardiovascular activity, improves our ability to pay attention. Physical activity primes the brain for learning by increasing alertness, information retention and memory retrieval.   


True or False: The Mediterranean style of eating includes adding lots of butter to meals.

False. The Mediterranean style of eating encourages the use of olive oil which is high in monounsaturated fatty acids.  


True or False: Cognitive stimulation means scratching your head.

For 50 Bonus Points: Name 2 cognitively stimulating activities that you participate in.    

False. Cognitive stimulation is mental exercise for your brain and can include a wide variety of activities. The activity should be mentally challenging, but not so hard you want to give up. 

Bonus answer: List (may include): card games, word or math games, puzzles, playing an instrument, having a conversation, reading, etc. 


How many hours of sleep are recommended in the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) guidelines?

7-8 hours of good-quality sleep a night on a regular basis with consistent bed and wake-up times.


A person named Dr. Smith posts a video on YouTube praising the benefits of a particular diet. What should you do first when considering whether this is a credible source of information?

Consider the source of the information. Anyone can post videos on YouTube and this person may not be an actual medical doctor.  


True or False: You can improve your brain and body fitness by playing Pickle Ball?

True. But it does not have to be Pickle Ball. You can improve your brain and body fitness by engaging in a wide variety of activities. The important thing is to choose an activity that is stimulating and meaningful to you.  


What is included on the healthy plate of Canada’s Food Guide?

For 25 Bonus Points: What does the Canada Food Guide say about alcoholic drinks?  

Answers include: Plenty of fruits/vegetables, protein foods, whole grain foods, water as the drink of choice.   

Bonus answer: Less is best.


True or False: Joining a book club can help you maintain your cognitive abilities.

 True. Participating in socially and cognitively engaging activities (like a book club) builds new pathways in the brain.  


True or False: Exposure to natural sunlight in the morning can help you sleep better at night.

For 50 Bonus Points: The body’s 24-hour sleep wake cycle is known as _______?    

True. Light is an important cue for the body's 24-hour sleep wake cycle.

Bonus: circadian rhythm


True or False: You would like to lose weight. A friend tells you they bought a weight loss supplement promising weight loss of up to 10 pounds in 1 week. You should immediately buy this supplement.  

False. The marketing for this supplement is offering a “magic pill” solution. Consult with your doctor first about what is right for you.


True or False: You need to exercise vigorously for at least 20 minutes at a time to benefit?

False. The Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology (CSEP) recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week. This does not mean it has to occur all at once. Even a little as 4 minutes of intense cardiovascular exercise has benefits.  


True or False: On a hot day it’s a good idea to drink lots of iced coffee.

False. Caffeine can be dehydrating but is okay in smaller amounts. Consider choosing a drink lower in caffeine or water.  


True or False: The brain remembers everything even if we don’t remember it.  

False. The brain prunes away connections that are not used.... Use it or lose it!


 True or False: Accidentally misplacing your keys from time to time is a sign of cognitive decline.

False. Accidentally misplacing items happens to everyone and is more often associated with a lack of paying attention.


Name one problem solving step.

Answers include: Identify the problem, list ideas, select an idea and try it out, assess the result, substitute another idea, utilize other resources, accept that the problem might not be solvable now.


What is Neuroplasticity?

Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to reorganize and generate new pathways. The more pathways you have in the brain, the more support you have against certain conditions like dementia.  


True or False: Your doctor recommended a heart healthy diet, but you are more worried about your risk of Alzheimer’s. Should you follow the recommendation for a heart healthy diet?

True. Remember, a healthy heart = a healthy brain. A diet that includes plant foods (lots of vegetables and fruits, whole grains, beans, peas and lentils) and healthy fats (such as olive oil, fish, nuts and seeds), with reduced salt and sugar is beneficial to both your heart and your brain health.  


List 1 benefit of practicing mindfulness.  

 Answers include: Improved memory, reduced stress/anxiety/depression, better sleep, improved blood pressure, decreased inflammation, improved relationships, improved immune function, improved heart health, increased self-compassion.


List one stress management or relaxation technique you could try when feeling stressed.  

Answers include: Deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, visualization script, mindfulness, exercise, walking, changing our thinking style.


True or False: When making an action plan it’s a good idea to break your plan down into smaller steps.

True. Breaking down the plan into smaller steps encourages you to take action and makes it less overwhelming.  


True or False: Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) increases with cardiovascular exercise.

True. BDNF supports the growth and maintenance of the pathways in the brain. It is like Miracle Grow for the brain.  


You are at a restaurant and there are three dishes on the menu: Fettucine alfredo, Prime rib and Paella. Which option would you choose if you were following the Mediterranean diet?

Paella. Is an icon of the Mediterranean diet and composed of rice, vegetables, chicken, and seafood, all cooked and served in one pan.  



List 2 memory tools or techniques.

Answers include: paying attention, association, repetition, think aloud, write it down, storytelling, visualization, chunking, teach someone else, share with someone else.


True or False: Poor memory can be a sign of stress.  

True. Stress can act as a distraction and make it difficult to pay attention and focus, which can lead to memory difficulties.


True or False: Being a self-manager means you went to business school.  

False. Being a self-manager includes: maintaining healthy habits, recognizing areas for change, setting goals, making a plan, problem solving, seeking information, and seeking support when needed.