Make! That! Inference!
Figurative Language
Academic Asks
Fact About Birds

What inference about Dorothy's personality can be made from this sentence in paragraph 1: "For a moment, she playfully pretended to be unconscious of their gaze."

she is goofy, she cares a lot about what the boys think of her


What does the word "grand" mean as it is used in paragraph 1?

fancy, expensive, beautiful, artisanal, well-made


What is the type of figurative language we have studies that has to do with sound?

Alliteration! And assonance a little bit but mostly alliteration. 


What is an inference?

An inference is an educated guess based on evidence from the text and your own prior knowledge.


Which American bird builds the coolest nest? (hint: this is also a sports team)

The Baltimore Oriole! The weave nests out of sticks and hang them from branches! They can even withstand tornados! 


What inference can be made from this sentence in paragraph 1:"Dorry, hastily arranging her skirts and settling herself comfortably upon the grand but dingy saddle, laughed to herself, thinking how astonished they must be to see her riding Lady back to them".

Dorry doesn't usually, or maybe shouldn't ever, be riding Lady.


What does the word "dingy" mean as it is used in paragraph 1?

dirty, worn down, old


What type of figurative language appear in these lines? 

O my Luve is like a red, red rose
That’s newly sprung in June;
O my Luve is like the melody
That’s sweetly played in tune … 

Simile! "Love" is spelled like that because the poem is written in Scots instead of standard English.
What should you include in an accurate summary? What does accurate mean?

You should include key details, not small details, from the text. An accurate summary is objective and represents what has happened in the text. 


What are feathers made of?

Keratin! This is the same substance our hair and nails are made of (well, not my nails-those are acrylic). 


What can we infer about Lady from this sentence: "Lady seemed to go twenty feet in the air at every leap".

she was bucking and trying to fling Dot off


What does the word "nosing" mean as it is used in paragraph 2?

moving aside, nudging


What type of figurative language is most important in these lines?

                   Does it dry up
                   like a raisin in the sun?
                   Or fester like a sore—
                   And then run?
                   Does it stink like rotten meat?
                   Or crust and sugar over—
                   like a syrupy sweet? 



What does propel mean?

move forward


What is a group of cockatoos called?

A crackle!


What can we infer about Donald from the last paragraph of the passage?

He is considered and not judgmental - he is trying to encourage his sister!


What does the word "frolic" mean as it is used in paragraph 9?

excursion, run, tantrum 


What type of figurative language is present in these lines?

“Because I could not stop for Death –
He kindly stopped for me –
The Carriage held but just Ourselves –  
And Immortality.” 



When a question asks how does a specific sentence impact the rest of the passage, how should you approach those answer choices?

Process of elimination! These answer choices tend to be a little bit broad and hard to identify so cross out the incorrect answers first and the correct answer will be clear. 


What bird inspired Miss Platt's fascination with bird?

You guessed it! It's the OYSTERCATCHER!


Make your own inference! Find a piece of text evidence and tell me what you can infer about a character from that information.

good effort!


What does the word "superb" mean as it is used in paragraph 9?

amazing, perfect, beautiful 


What type of figurative language are the following lines?

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date …

Metaphor! In the very first line he tells us that he's gonna be comparing things! 


Why should you always read the questions first?

Because then you know what you are looking for. This is ESPECIALLY TRUE ON YOUR WRITING TEST.


What is the most important type of figurative language in the following lines? 

My heart in hiding  Stirred for a bird,—the achieve of; the mastery of the thing! 

assonance! the repetition of vowel sounds close to each other!