True or False, biotic factors are living.
In Norse mythology, who is Thor's father?
What is the first ever video game?
Pong, created in 1958
Name the #1 paid actor of 2025
Arnold Schwarzenegger $1.49 billion
What continent are the Pyramids of Giza located in?
What makes a square a square?
Four equal sides
Producers are also known by this name, because they can produce their own food.
What is the most popular soda in America?
What year was Nintendo founded?
What Youtube channel has the most subscribers as of March 2025?
359 million subscribers
What is the national dish of Mexico?
Mole (pronounced Mol-a)
What species can live on both water and land?
This is the name of a consumer that mostly eats plants.
What mammal can truly fly?
Eivor, Ezio, Altair, and Connor Kenway are the characters of what video game franchise?
Assassin's Creed
What is the name of the fictional land where Frozen takes place?
What is the hottest pepper/chili in the world?
Carolina Reaper. 2,000,000 - 2,200,000 Scoville Units
Who is the creator of the classic book characters Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn?
Mark Twain.
What are the three states of matter?
Solid, liquid, and gas.
What mammal has the longest lifespan in the world?
Bowhead whale (lives up to 200 years)
What is the #1 best selling game of all time?
Freddy Krueger wears a striped sweater that are which colors?
Red and Green
Vikings originated from which 3 countries
Norway, Sweden, and Denmark
Who commissioned the Lewis and Clark expedition?
Thomas Jefferson.
What is the name of the bacteria that can be found in our stomach and helps us break down food?
How many states are in India?
As of March 2025 how many Pokémon are there?
In what country were The Lord of the Rings movies filmed?
New Zealand
What was the biggest earthquake recorded? (Bonus points if you guess the magnitude)
Chile in 1960
Which North American city has a bigger population: Los Angeles or Mexico City?
Mexico City.