Fast Food

A hot (usually) pork sausage is placed on a steamed bun and drizzled with condiments results in this misnomer of a food

What is a hot dog?


Its iconic red-and-yellow color scheme can be easily recognized by billions of people

What is McDonalds?


This Swiss corporation is embroiled over controversies surrounding its products. Its first three letters are part of some of its brands names as well

What is Nestle?


It is a unit of energy used for foods which dictate how much energy that food can provide you

What are calories?


It is a vital chemical for life but 100% of people who drink this chemical die

What is water?


Meat, vegetables, and condiments tacked on a corn or wheat base forms this popular Mexican food

What is a taco?


Its official Twitter account only follows the Spice Girls and 6 people named Herb

What is KFC?


These actually cannot be sold as "potato chips" because of its lower potato content and its shape

What are Pringles?


A method of preservation where food is exposed to the products of burning woods. Flavor is also infused to the food

What is smoking?


A popular drink that originated in Taiwan which mixed milk, tea, and tapioca pearls

What is Bubble Tea/Boba?


A German city is the origin of this sandwich dish

What is a hamburger?


This chain and its stupid, happy, and insectoid of a mascot are the reason why McDonalds isn't the top fastfood restaurant in this chain's country of origin

What is Jollibee?


This brand of tortilla chips constitutes one-half of "Gamer Fuel" along with Mountain Dew

What are Doritos?


It is a cutting method where the food is cut into long thin strips

What is julienning/french cut?


A beverage possibly older than history itself, it technically shares the same ingredients as bread

What is beer?


The hole in the middle is actually important for the even cooking of this sweet snack

What is a donut?

It sells snacks and beverages, but half of its name was removed to rebrand itself as a "beverage-led company". People still refer to it by its original name however

What is Dunkin'? (Dunkin' Donuts)


A tin of these Danish snacks most definitely does not contain cookies

What is Royal Dansk?


This cooking technique is used to remove and dissolve browned food residue from a pan to flavor sauces, soups, and gravies

What is deglazing?


Drinking too much of these can result in your soul leaving your body since these have a higher alcohol content from distillation

What are spirits?


A meat turning on a vertical rotisserie is carved and served on a pita bread along with vegetables for this dish. It has a different name depending on which side of the Mediterranean you are

What is gyros/doner?


This fried chicken chain brands itself under a different name in certain country due to "religious" differences in non-Christian countries

What is Church's Texas Chicken?


Oreos actually copied this brand's cookie sandwich. It is currently experiencing a resurgence in the US but its name does sound like a cleaning product that a food product

What is Hydrox?


From the hot metal plate to the food, from the hot air to the food, and from the heating element to the food

What is Conduction, Convection, and Radiation?

This popular sports drink was named after a certain reptile endemic to its region of origin

What is Gatorade?