This character is an ill-tempered old man related to Trevor.
Who is Temperance
This incident caused Trevor to pray for his own downfall.
What is pooping on the floor?
The ultimate form of systematic racism backed by the South Africa government designed to oppress.
What is Apartheid?
This character tends to blame the devil for misfortune.
Who is Patricia/Trevor's Mom?
This religion is practiced by Trevor's family.
What is Christianity?
This is the name of a deaf dog that was adopted for Trevor.
Who is Fufi
These things caused Trevor's neighbor's house to burn down.
What is a match/mattress/magnifying glass?
This freedom fighter became the first democratically elected president of South Africa.
Who is Nelson Mandela?
The car that Trevor and his mother drove in
What is a Volkswagen Beetle?
Patricia's unique way of guiding Trevor through life is an example of ___ love.
What is tough love?
This is a blind old lady.
Who is Koko?
Trevor's mom caused him to cry over this sweet treat.
What is a toffee apple?
Trevor recounts how he exploited a gap in the apartheid system, an example of taking a legal ____.
What is a loophole?
This incident caused Patrician and Trevor to jump off a bus.
What is Bus Crime?
The way that Trevor and his mother communicated during a heated argument.
What are Letters?
An abusive stepfather married to Patricia.
Who is Abel?
The reason Trevor finally got expelled.
What is bringing knives to school?
South Africa was separated into 2 MAIN ethic groups
What are the Xhosa and Zulu?
Patricia talked to this group of people to learn how to navigate the city safely.
Who are prostitutes?
Trevor's justification for breaking rules at this school.
What is a stupid rule?
Trevor's Aunt Sibongile's first husband.
Who is Dinky?
This incident caused Trevor to lose his eyebrows.
What are fireworks?
This piece of legislation classified South Africans by race and was a key instrument of Apartheid.
What is the Population Regulation Act?
A quote Trevor mentions his mother saying a lot during his childhood.
What is to feed your body, feed your spirit, and feed your mind?
The reason why Trevor's father never married his mother.
What is not wanting to be controlled?