The currency mostly used in South America.
What is: Rand?
The name of the dog Trevor owned and taught.
What is: Fufi?
The continent Born a Crime chapter 7 and chapter 9 take place in.
What is: South America?
"I wrote to the ___ embassy asking them where my father was."
What is: Swiss?
The reaction Trevor's Mother had to him getting pelted with berries.
What is: Laughter?
Famous live broadcasting event that shows high-speed cars racing.
What is: F1 racing?
The name of Trevor's father.
What is: Robert?
The country Trevor's father is originally from.
What is: Switzerland?
"But Abel didn't need a ___ to put the fear of God in you."
What is: Gun?
The meaning behind Trevor's other dog's name.
What is: She had a pink nose and/or "Pink" Panther?
Small berries picked off a tree.
What is: Mulberry?
The name of Trevor's other dog.
What is: Panther?
The new neighborhood Trevor and his mom moved to.
What is: Eden Park?
"He was more like a ___ _____ than anything."
The day Trevor was able to visit his father.
What is: Sunday?
The term that was used to call people when they suspected they were using supernatural powers to harm others.
What is: Witch?
The name the other boy gave Trevor's dog.
What is: Spotty?
The area Trevor's dad currently resides in.
What is: Camps Bay and/or Cape Town?
"Fufi was my first _____. No one has ever betrayed me more than Fufi."
What is: Heartbreak?
The fate that befell Trevor's two black cats.
What is: Gutted, Skinned, and/or beheaded? (Any of the 3 answers applies)
The term for someone initiating an illegal activity. (Primarily used for closing a person off from their group for sentencing.)
What is: Ringleader?
The famous star Trevor's father enjoyed listening to in his backyard.
What is: Elvis Presley?
The Area Trevor and his mom lived before where they currently live.
What is: Soweto?
"The worst way to insult a colored person was to infer that they were in some way ____."
What is: Black?
The dish Trevor would always ask for his dad to cook.
What is: Rösti?