Volunteer Portal
Plant Info
Building Operations and Restoration

What is the name of the volunteer portal FBP uses?



Who do you call when there is a non-life threatening incident?

Park rangers or the non-emergency police number


Where do you sign in/sign our and what do you take with you?

Visitor Center iPad and the crate cart to the Botanical Building at the beginning of the day and back at the end of the day


What does the Botanical Building showcase?

Rare tropical, subtropical, and indigenous flora


What are the Botanical Building hours? Who operates the building?

10 AM to 4 PM, seven days a week. Operated by the City of San Diego, not Forever Balboa Park


How can you get to the volunteer portal from the organization website?

foreverbalboapark.org, scroll down and click Volunteer Login


What do you do if there is an emergency?

Call 911 and evacuate the building if you need to


Where do the materials go? Where are the plastic stands?

Materials are laid out on the central table. Map and Donation Page stands are in the back room.


What are the QR codes in each plant bed? Why QR codes?

Each plant bed has a QR code that details the characteristics of each plant and where it is from. QR codes allow for more information and the map is accessible from anywhere, even outside of the building.


How long was the building closed for?

Nearly 3 years. Closed from January 2022 to December 2024 for December Nights. Refer to SDFA magazine


Which tab shows you available volunteer shifts for that month?

The schedule tab


Who fills out an incident report?

FBP staff with volunteer input


What do Botanical Building volunteers do?

Wear their badges and uniform, answer FAQs, help with scanning plant bed QR codes, give out business cards, take visitor feedback and remind guests of visitor guidelines. At least one volunteer at the table please


Where are the old plants? Will new ones be added?

Some of the larger trees stayed during construction but a majority were taken to the City Nursery. The new plants need time to grow and more of the old ones will be added over time.

Is the Botanical Building available for private events?

As of now, the City of San Diego has not made the Botanical Building available for private events.


Which tab allows you to track hours and why is that important?

Service tab and it's for safety and grant reporting purposes


Where are the snacks, drinks, and first aid kit located?

In the back room across the bathroom

What are the clickers for?

Counting each person you interact with. Please start at zero in the morning and hand it to the afternoon person, then put the clickers with the final numbers into the crate bag. Visitor Center counts it each day


Who picked the plants?

Estrada Land Planning and Nan Sterman


What were the phase 1 renovations and how much did it cost?

Restored 1915 version with new windows and renewed steel structure, new redwood lath, interior lighting, and lighting for evening displays, enhanced garden space, new and improved pathways for accessibility, and new concrete. Renovations costed about $26,453,000


How far in advance should you notify us of a planned absence? Who do you contact?

24 hours in advance and contact Andrea, Jordan, Meki, or Brenda


What can you do to avoid heat exhaustion? What do you do if someone is having a heatstroke?

Dress for the weather, hydrate and stay out of the sun. In case of heatstroke, call 911 immediately. For colder weather, especially later hours, please layer up.


What is FBP? How can people stay up to date on the Botanical Building or get involved with us?

FBP is a non-profit that partners with the City of San Diego Parks and Rec department. Sign up for our newsletter on all things Balboa Park and check out the project website at balboaparkbotanical.org


Can visitors or groups donate plants or show case seasonal displays?

The city decides what is showcased and please speak with city staff about potential donations. Feel free to leave your contact information and a note as well


What is Phase II and how can people get involved?

FBP is leading Phase II which includes restoring the historic pergola and planting exterior gardens this year. People can get involved by donating and/or volunteering. Please call 619.331.1991 or email info@balboaparkbotanical.org. Garden Stewards program will care for exterior gardens