What is the Aceraceae family?
What is the Maple family?
What type of leaves does the maple family typically have?
What margin are the leaves in the Aceraceae family?
What is serrated?
What are some examples of the Aceraceae family?
Maple trees
In the Aceraceae family, what are the flowers?
Flowers are commonly unisexual; male and female flowers are either separated on the same tree or separated on different trees
What is the Apiaciae family?
What is the Parsley family?
How many carpels does the Parsley family have?
What is 2 carpels?
What leaves are in the Parsley family?
What are pinnated leaves?
What are some examples of the Apiaceae family?
Poison Hemlock, Water Hemlock, Queen Anne's Lace, fennel, dill, cow parsnip
In the Apiaceae family, in what way is the flower arranged/defense mechanism?
compound umbels and aeromatic oils
What is the Asteraceae family?
What is the Sunflower family?
What are the "petals" (individually) in the Sunflower family?
What are individual flowers?
What are bracts?
What are modified leaves, or sepals?
What are some examples of the Asteraceae family?
dandelions, sunflowers, daisies, asters, thistles, artichokes
What is the difference between ray flowers and disk flowers? (Asteraceae)
Disk flowers are complete flowers (ovaries, sepals, stamens, stigmas, petals) and ray flowers don't have any reproductive parts
What is the Brassicacaeae family?
What is the Mustard family?
What are the characteristics of a flower in the Mustard family?
What are 4 petals, 4 sepals, 4 tall stamens, 2 short stamens?
Where do the seedpods occur in the Mustard family?
What is around the stalk?
What are some examples of the Brassicaceae family?
In the Brassicaceae family, in what shapes can the pods occur?
Many shapes
What is the Fabaceae family?
What are the different types of petals in the Pea family?
What are the banner, keel, and wings?
What does the ovary mature into in the Fabaceae family?
What is a pod?
What are some examples of the Fabaceae family?
What kinds of leaves are in the Fabaceae family?