Making Decisions
Coping with Anger
Coping with Anxiety
Communication Skills

Define Self-Image 

The beliefs and attitudes that we have of ourselves. 


What is a decision? 

The act of making up your mind about something. 


______ is a strong feeling of displeasure mixed with an urge to fight back.



What is anxiety? 

Feeling nervous, stressed, uneasy or apprehensive. 


The act of expressing oneself in such a way that one is readily and clearly understood is what?



True or False: People can have more than one self-image because of their numerous activities.



Who or what can influence your decisions? 

Yourself, people around you and social media.


What are some physical changes in the body that results from anger?

Increased heart rate, tightened muscles, clenched jaw and redden cheeks.


What are some signs of anxiety?

Rapid heartbeat, shaky voice, muscle tensions, sweaty hands, butterflies in the stomach, dry mouth and difficulty concentrating.


What are the two types of communication and provide an example for each.

Verbal and nonverbal communication.

Verbal examples: speech, music, talking, writing

Nonverbal: mannerisms, facial expressions, body positions 


People who have a positive self-image are less likely to do what?

Smoke, drink, use drugs and engage in other unhealthy behaviors.


Provide an everyday decision and a difficult decision that you've experienced. 

Student Responses


What are some common situations that can make people angry that we've discussed in class? 

Teasing, jealously, having to wait too long, being talked about, rumors being spread and etc


What are some common ways that people do to handle with their anxiety?

eating, smoking/vaping, sleeping, listening to music, deep breathing, exercising, or meditating.


About 60-65% of our communication with others is what?

Nonverbal communication


Why is self-image important? 

It affects how good we feel about ourselves. People who feel good about themselves are more confident, satisfied and successful and do better in school/life.


What are some reasons why people are influenced by other people? (Provide at least two reasons)

Don't want to be an outcast, to feel a part of the popular crowd, to do things they are cool or fun, don't have the confidence in themselves or not sure what the right answer is to a problem.


Provide 3 examples of how people deal with angry feelings.

Mutter and yell, call names, the silent treatment, keep it to yourself, fight back, hit and kick and throw things and break things.


Share a situation that made you feel nervous or anxious and what were some physical changes in the body that you've experienced? (One student shares)

Student Responses


_______ is a failure in communication that results when the receiver understands the meaning of a message differently than it was intended by the sender.



How can someone improve their self-image? 

1. Identify your strengths and weaknesses then work on improving in the areas you feel weak.

2. Never form a negative image of yourself after one or more bad experiences.

3. Setting and achieving goals on what you want to change about yourself.

4. Become more aware of your past successes and increase them in the future.


What are the 3 steps of the decision-making process?

1. Clarify what decision you need to make.

2. Consider the possible alternatives and the consequences of choosing each alternative.

3. Choose the best alternative for you and take the necessary action. Think about whether you were satisfied with your decision. 


What are the four techniques for controlling anger?

1. The Warning Light

2. Counting to Ten

3. Self-Statements

4. Reframing


What are the three techniques for coping with anxiety?

1. Deep Breathing

2. Progressive Muscle Relaxation 

3. Mental Rehearsal 


What are some skills to avoid misunderstandings? 

Provide at least two skills.

Send the same message on verbal and nonverbal channels, be specific, ask questions and paraphrase the message back to the speaker.