Name one point of the CBT triangle
Acceptable responses: Actions, Thoughts or Feelings
This is something you can use to be brave and think positively.
Courage thoughts/Courage card
What is one thing you can do to calm down your body?
-deep belly breathing (including stuffed animal on belly, smell the rose blow out the candle, etc)
-muscle relaxation (cat, elephant, turtle, squeezing lemons, mud puddle etc)
-body scan
Which would be a more helpful thing to THINK in your thought bubble before your spelling test: "I can focus and do my best" or "I want to kick a trash can."
"I can focus and do my best."
Which would be more likely to help you calm down:yelling at your friend or doing a body scan?
Body Scan
When you are doing belly breathing, which way should your stomach or your stuffed animal go when you take a deep breath IN?
Up (nice ride)
When you are working on your I Can Do It Ladder steps, should you start with the hardest step or an easier step first?
Name 2 people who you can go to when you need someone to help you feel better?
accepted responses:
friends, family, teachers
Name 3 areas of the body that can be affected when feeling upset, worried, scared or nervous?
-chest/heart beating faster
-stomach upset
-go to bathroom more
You have to try something new and this makes you uncomfortable. Come up with a courage thought that is helpful for you!
I am brave and can do hard and new things!
I am capable
I can face my fears
I've done new things before
Name all 3 points of the CBT triangle.
Actions, thoughts, and Feelings
Name 2 things you can do if your Feeling Thermometer Is Rising during recess because someone just cut in front of you for 4 square.
-helpful/courage thoughts
-relax your body
-identify feelings and use "I" statements
-ask an adult or friend for help
-walk away or ignore
-do something that makes you feel better
You are at recess and lose a game. Your first thought is "I can't do this." Create a helpful thought for yourself.
- I can try again
-This game is about having fun, not winning or losing
-Maybe I'll win next time.