Types of Boundaries
Social Media
Crossing Boundaries
Creating Boundaries
Importance of Boundaries

What is an example of an material boundary?

  • Lending someone clothes if YOU feel comfortable doing so.
  • Asking someone to return YOUR clothes washed.
  • Not driving people in YOUR car
  • Saying "no" to lending someone money

Should you post your location on social media? Why or why not?

You should not

**Reason up for discussion**


What's an example of how to avoid crossing boundaries?

•Respect each other

•Watch for social ques 

•Stand up for yourself

•Be assertive - settle disagreements peacefully 


What is an example of an "I statement"?

I feel ____ when _____ because ____________.

 What I need is ____________.


Why are boundaries created?

Boundaries are created to set limits on what you will and won't accept.  


What are examples of emotional boundaries?

  • Separating your feelings from other people's feelings.
  • Not oversharing with others.
  • Not allowing others to overshare with you.
  • Not allowing others to become dependant on you for emotional support.
  • Not becoming dependent on others for emotional support.

Should you post personal information on social media? Why or Why not?

You should not 

** Reason up for discussion**


What are ways to cross boundaries?

•Verbal Abuse (insulting, name calling, etc.)

•Physical Abuse (Pushing, shoving, hitting, kicking, etc.)

•Controlling Behavior (Keeping someone isolated, wanting to know where they are at all times)

•Threats (causing fear to make someone comply)

•Blame or Shame (Making excuses for their behavior or blaming yourself)


What word is a complete sentence when setting boundaries?


Learn to say "NO"


Why is it good to know someone's boundaries?

Boundaries are good to be aware of because:

  • You can respect their boundaries
  • You could gain trust
  • You can provide a safe space
  • You can built a healthy relationship  

What are some examples of personal boundaries?

  • Personal space
  • Touching
    • WHO can touch you
    • HOW they touch you
    • WHERE they touch you
    • WHEN they touch you
  • Not allowing others into your home/room/space

Should you post any personal information about others on social media? Why or Why not?

No you should not

** Reason up for discussion**


What would be a proper response if someone crosses one of your boundaries?

I statement 

Assertive communication 


What is one way to honour/recognise someone else's boundaries?

  • Watch for cues
  • Ask

Why are boundaries important?

  • They protect you
  • You can practice self-care and self-respect
  • Help develop your identity
  • Avoidance of burnout

What are intellectual boundaries?

Limitations/boundaries on:

  • Thoughts
  • Values
  • Opinions
  • Beliefs

Should you use inappropriate language on social media? Why or Why not?

No you should not

** Reason up for discussion**


What are two types of consequences if you cross someone's boundaries?

Natural Consequences and Legal Consequences.


What can help you identify your limits when it comes to boundaries?

  • Tune into your feelings
  • Tune into your body
  • Understand your values
  • Understand your needs
  • Understand your fears

What would happen if there were no boundaries?

**Response up for discussion**


What is a time boundaries?

  • How a person uses their time. 
  • Setting aside time for each facet of your life such as work, relationships, and hobbies.
  • Time boundaries are violated when another person demands too much of your time.

Should you let people you don't know follow you on social media? Why? Why not?

No you should not 

**Reason up for discussion**


What are consequences for crossing boundaries?

  • Discomfort for you and the other
  • Become isolated
  • Lose relationships 
  • Might get arrested
  • Could possibly have some sanctions

_________  also means recognising the importance of your feelings and honouring them. These feelings serve as “important cues about our wellbeing and about what makes us happy and unhappy.”

Self care


What is a boundary that everyone knows not to cross?

**Response up for discussion**