Social Media
Importance of Boundaries

What is the definition of emotional boundaries? What happens if you cannot create those emotional boundaries?

Separating your feelings from other people's feelings, know where their feelings end and where yours start.

If you cannot create emotional boundaries, the person may become codependent on you.


Should you post your location on social media? Why or why not?


What's an example of how to avoid crossing boundaries?

•Respect Each Other

•Have Common Interests

•Stand Up for Yourself

•Have a Personal Life

•Settle Disagreements Peacefully


What is the definition of codependency? 

A person who has let another person's behavior affect him/her, and is obsessed with controlling that person behavior


Why are boundaries created?

Boundaries are created to set limits on what you will and won't accept.  


What are a few examples of material boundaries?

  • What you feel comfortable letting someone borrow
  • You can tell someone you don’t want them to damage your belongings.
  • Limits on time (your time is valuable)
  • Limits on favors/services/labor

Should you post personal information on social media? Why or Why not?


What are ways to cross boundaries?

•Verbal Abuse (insulting, name calling, etc.)

•Physical Abuse (Pushing, shoving, hitting, kicking, etc.)

•Controlling Behavior (Keeping someone isolated, wanting to know where they are at all times)

•Threats (causing fear to make someone comply)

•Blame or Shame (Making excuses for their behavior or blaming yourself)


Define personal space.

The amount of empty space a person needs that is away from someone else.


Why is it good to know someone's boundaries?

Boundaries are good to be aware of because if you respect the boundaries, you could gain trust, freedom, and responsibility. 


What are some examples of personal boundaries?

  • Personal space
  • Touching
    • WHO can touch you
    • HOW they touch you
    • WHERE they touch you
    • WHEN they touch you
  • Sexual boundaries

Should you post any personal information about others on social media? Why or Why not?


What would be a proper response if someone crosses one of your boundaries?


What is the definition of personal boundaries?

Personal boundaries are guidelines, rules or limits that a person creates to identify reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave towards them and how they will respond when someone passes those limits.


Why are boundaries important?

•Boundaries provide a sense of comfort 

•Boundaries provide a sense of security 

•Boundaries mark out the “playing field” for freedom (teaches them what is in bounds, and what's out of bounds)

•Boundaries help kids to gain adults’ trust


What are mental boundaries?

Limitations/boundaries on:

  • Thoughts
  • Values
  • Opinions
  • Beliefs

Should you use inappropriate language on social media? Why or Why not?


What are the two types of consequences if you cross someone's boundaries?

Natural Consequences and Legal Consequences.


What are some examples of personal information?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Race / nationality
  • Ethnicity / origin / color
  • Religion
  • Age
  • Sex / sexual orientation
  • Health care history including information on:
  •  physical/mental disability
  • Education
  • Finances
  • criminal background



Why are boundaries set into place?

Boundaries are set to show people what you will or will not deal with.


What's the difference between emotional boundaries, and mental boundaries?

Emotional boundaries help you separate your feelings from others. Mental boundaries are your thoughts, values, opinions, and beliefs.


Should you post your location on social media? If so, when should you post your location? If not, Why not?


What are the legal consequences for crossing boundaries?

Might get arrested

Could possibly have some sanctions

Could get sent to jail and if more serious Prison time


Define consequence.

A result or effect of an action or condition.


What is a boundary that everyone knows not to cross?