Types of Boundaries
Name That Boundary!
Identify the Boundary

A boundary that includes personal beliefs and opinions.

Mental/Emotional Boundaries.


This type of boundary is closed and inflexible, much like a wall that does not let anything in or out.

Rigid Boundaries.


I plan on going to bed at 9pm and I'd appreciate it if you would not text me after that time.

Time Boundary.


A boundary that includes the amount of time someone can borrow an item of yours.

Material Boundaries.


Type of boundary that is the "ideal." They are similar to selective rigid boundaries, but the person has more control in deciding what to let in or what to keep out.

Flexible Boundaries.


I love that sweater could I borrow it for a date tomorrow night?

Sure but return it on Wednesday.

Material Boundary.


A boundary that includes setting a specific time to perform activities like texting.

Time Boundaries


Type of Boundary where someone is unsure of what to let in and what to keep out. While utilizing a combination of soft and rigid boundaries.

Spongy Boundaries.


Could I give you a hug?

No not right now I'm not feeling well.

Physical Boundary.


A boundary that protects your physical body and your right to have your physical needs.

Physical Boundaries.


Type of boundaries merges with other people’s boundaries and can often result in psychological manipulation.

Soft Boundary.


I can't believe you want are friends with that person they are beneath you.

While I appreciate your concerned I'm the one being friends with them.

Fine but don't expect my friendship to continue.

Personal Boundary.


A boundary that protects your right to consent, to ask for what you like sexually, and to honesty about your partners sexual history.

Sexual Boundaries.


4 main types of boundaries. 

Soft, Spongy, Flexible and Rigid


I heard you loaned Tyler money last week could I possibly borrow $5.

No sorry, I don't have money.

Oh come on help me out don't be a bad friend.

Fine I'll give it to you.

Financial/Emotion Boundary.