Coping Skills
Random PHP Related
Positive Mental Health
Random Mental Health

What is a coping skill? Name three examples. 

Coping skills are applied everyday, some with conscious thought, some without. Coping is a response to physical, cognitive, and psychological stressors.

Coping skills help us get through difficult times- they give us an important break from mental and emotional distress.


What are the sections that make up the morning check-in sheet?


Message to social worker


Coping skills for the day

Goal or intention for the day


Define a defense mechanism and give one example. 

Defense mechanisms are conscious or unconscious psychological responses that protect people from feelings of anxiety, threats to self-esteem, and things that they do not want to think about or deal with.

Example: Projection, Displacement, Repression, Suppression, Sublimation, Rationalization, Somatization, Regression, Acting Out, Isolation of Affect, Passive Aggressiveness, Humor


What is the # for the suicide hotline?


988 is free, confidential, and available 24/7, 365 days a year via phone call, text, or chat. 

988 is for anyone in emotional distress or suicidal crisis. It is also for an individual who is worried about a loved one and unsure how to support that person. 


What species of fish is Nemo from Finding Nemo?

Clown fish


This technique involves writing down thoughts, feelings, and experiences to process emotions and gain insight



What is the importance of Weekend Planning?

Organize our weekend

Time management

Set achievable goals

Behavioral activation

Planning ahead for how we may cope/ minimize uncertainties

To create anticipation and joy


Name one consequence of not getting enough sleep.

Lack of concentration, being impatient, low motivation, slowed reaction time, daytime sleepiness, irritability.


What is an affirmation? And share one example!

Affirmations are statements designed to create healthy and positive self-change. 

Use the first person "I" statements, Present tense, Positive

I am worthy of love

I am competent

I am doing my best and that is enough


What is a human's largest organ?



Negative thinking is a defining feature of depression. Positive experiences are minimized while negative ones are magnified. Expressing three good things from your day is a coping strategy known as ________. 



Who makes the PHP lunches?



Name two ways we can improve our sleep.

Exercise, moderating caffeine intake, consistent bed time, meditating, consistent rising time, creating a sleep schedule, etc.


What is square/box breathing? How is it helpful?

A breathing exercise

Inhale 4 counts

Hold 4 counts

Exhale 4 counts

Hold 4 counts

Decrease stress, anxiety, and promotes relaxation


Name the 5 emotions from the Disney film Inside out.

Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust


A state of nonjudgmental awareness of what is happening in the present moment, including the awareness of one’s own thoughts, feelings, and senses



What are the factors that make up a safety plan?

Triggers, warning signs, coping skills, people I can contact, local crisis hotline


This type of meditation you work on tensing different parts of your body

Progressive Muscle Relaxation


The acronym ACCEPTS outlines seven techniques for distracting yourself from distressing emotions until they pass. 

What does 1 of the letters stand for and give an example. 

Activities- do an activity that requires thought and concentration

Contributing- do something that allows you to focus on another person

Comparisons- compare your situation to something more distressing or painful

Emotions- do something to create a new emotion that will compete w/ distressing emotion

Pushing away- avoid or block a painful situation from your mind by using a technique such as imagery

Thoughts- use mental strategy to shift your thoughts to something neutral

Sensations- find safe physical sensations to distract you from distressing emotions


Who was the first “American Idol” winner?

Kelly Clarkson


What is the 5-4-3-2-1 coping skill? Why is it helpful?                  

5 things you see, 4 things you feel, 3 things you hear, 2 things you smell, and 1 thing you taste. 

Helpful in grounding and bringing someone to the present moment.


What do we use the icepacks/ frozen oranges for in the freezer?

DBT TIPP skill

T: Temperature

Cooler temperatures decrease your heart rate (which is usually faster when we are emotionally overwhelmed). Ice, splash water on face, cold shower...

Higher temperatures increase your heart rate (which is usually lower when you feel depressed, sad, or anxious). Warm bath, heated blanket, warm tea...


Name the three parts of the cognitive model.

Thoughts, Feelings and Behaviors


Mental Health Awareness Month has been observed in the U.S. since 1949. Every year during the month of ________, NAMI joins the national movement to raise awareness about mental health.



How many noses does a slug have?


Slugs have 3,000 teeth and 4 noses.