Games Within the Game
What were they cooking?
Ya know what? Screw it *goes invincible*
Quotes 2
In-Game Descriptions

This speedy, two-wheeled vehicle is the focus of the virtual survival challenge of KH2's Tron world

What is the Light Cycle?

A really cool concept for an enemy teased in the KH3 reveal trailer, we first fought this intimidating cluster in 0.2 A Fragmentary Passage. Then again. And again. And then 3 more times in KH3 I guess.

What is Demon Tide?


A spell that gives invincibility, and retaliates with extremely high base damage that scales even further off your magic stat in KH2. This was understandably removed in later entries, but the animation was used for several characters' standard block

What is Reflect?


"Say fellas, did someone say the Door to Darkness?" - KH2

Who is King Mickey?


"A good luck charm made by Aqua" - Birth by Sleep

What is a Wayfinder?


A board game activity added in Birth By Sleep, giving the player a means to level their skills and magic outside of combat, and even play with their friends via ad hoc mode

What is Command Board?


This game featured a fascinating inventory system, requiring you to puzzle in your magic, items, gear, and even levels on a grid. And then, without warning you fight an enemy that can't be physically hurt, and you didn't bring a lot of magic. Whoops, I guess.

What is Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days


Through Donald Duck, all things are possible. Especially when he's equipped with this Limit in KH2 that was seemingly accidentally buffed in recent versions, causing him to fire rockets relentlessly at the enemy for over 10 seconds while you remain invincible the whole time

What is Flare Force / Duck Flare?


"But I am a girl. I should at least be given a chance to try it on." - Birth by Sleep

Who is Aqua?


"Restores 40% of the Focus Gauge" - KH3

What is Refocuser?


The Training Toys in Dream Drop Distance give access to a cute variety of mini games that utilize the 3DS touchscreen, and later the PS4/5's touchpad, to power level these adorable companions

What are Dream Eaters?


You ever play Candy Crush? Then you've experienced everything this world has to offer in KH3. At least a Heffalump shows up, that was cool

What is the 100 Acre Wood?


Getting combo'd in KH1? You almost certainly have 1MP, so keep casting Cure and this ability will carry you through!

What is Leaf Bracer?


"If I had a heart, you think I could love somebody?" - 358/2 Days

Who is Roxas?


"Jack Skellington's scariest weapon, his hands!" - KH2

What is Bone Fist?


Completing the Pain & Panic Cups in the Underworld will unlock these challenging variants from the Lord of the Undead himself in KH2

What are the Hades Paradox Cups?


Despite appearing in a neat twist in KH3's final chapter, this character's voice lines are of jarringly lesser quality than everyone else's, like they were recorded on his phone or buried in the dirt or something

Who is Terra?


Long periods of invincibility paired with outlandish damage are in the crosshairs of this technique featured in both Birth by Sleep and KH3, requiring a charge up to Focus and lock on to enemies before shooting them with various projectiles

What is Shotlock?

"I gotta spruce this place up for the gaaaaames" - KH1

Who is Phil?


"Droplet of a crystallized, mysterious substance dropped by mushroom enemies. Used for item synthesis." - KH1

What is Mystery Goo?


In the Toy Box world of KH3, Sora is forced into a survival match against large mecha enemies in this in-universe video game, a two word title that shares part of its name with the Toy Story character who plays it, and roughly translates to "True King" in Latin

What is Verum Rex?


This title, remastered as a cutscene package in 2.5 HD, has a shockingly robust and fast-paced combat system, featuring a more refined version of BBS's skills and the ability to cancel long animations. Too bad almost all major fights are handled in mini games instead.

What is Re:Coded?

Obtaining this celebratory skill breaks the game in half in Dream Drop Distance, allowing for constant stagger, invincibility, and pops off with inflated damage output

What is Balloonra?


"There are many worlds, but they share the same sky. One sky, one destiny." - KH2

Who is Kairi?


"This shady character has been sighted in multiple worlds trying to amass an army of Heartless. His bowling-ball attack causes negative status effects at random. Though aggressive in combat, he'll flee the moment his HP runs out." - 358/2 Days

Who is Pete?