Unit 1: Kinematics
Unit 2: Dynamics
Unit 3: Work and Energy
Unit 4: Momentum
Unit 5: Rotation

If the velocity function is t^2+2t+3, what is the acceleration at t=2? 

a) 12

b) 6

c) 3

d) 11

b) 6


An object remaining in motion unless acted upon by an external force represents which one of Newton's Laws of motion?

a) Newton's 1st Law of Motion

b) Newton's 2nd Law of Motion

c) Newton's 3rd Law of Motion

d) Newton's 4th Law of Motion

a) Newton's 1st Law of Motion


List the two types of energy associated with Energy.

Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy. 


What is the momentum of an object of mass 10 kg going to the right at 25 m/s?

a) 25 kg*(m/s)

b) 10 kg*(m/s)

c) 250 kg*(m/s)

d 2500 kg*(m/s)

c) 250 kg*(m/s)


A man spins a donut on his finger for 18 revolutions. How many radians did it pass? 

36 pi radians


At what degrees must a projectile be launched for it to go the longest horizontal distance? 

a) 15

b) 30

c) 45

d) 90

c) 45


While you are in an elevator, if the weight scale shows a higher number than your actual weight, what motion is the elevator currently undergoing? 

a) Moving upward with decreasing speed

b) Moving upwards with increasing speed

c) Moving downwards with decreasing speed

d) Moving downward with increasing speeds

b) Moving upwards with increasing speed


If I lift an object of 10 kg mass to a height of 5 meters, how much work have I done?

a) 50 J

b) 98 J

c) 650 J

d) 490 J

d) 490 J


Momentum is conserved in all forms of collision, but total Kinetic Energy is not.

a) True

b) False

a) True 


When an ice figure skater spins with his/her arms stretched out and brings them in, what happens to angular velocity?

a) Angular Velocity increases

b) Angular Velocity decreases

c) Angular Velocity doesn't change

d) Need more information

a) Angular Velocity increases 


When a projectile is thrown, with air resistance being negligible, what stays constant throughout the motion?

I) Vertical Component of Velocity

II) Acceleration

III) Horizontal Component of Velocity

a) II

b) I and III

c) II and III

d) I, II, and III

c) II and III


What expression would let you calculate the rate of acceleration of a box with mass m sliding down a ramp with a frictional force (coefficient of friction is mu).



If a force of 5i-6j N acts upon an object for a distance of 3i+6j meters, what is the work done on the object by force?

a) 21 J

b) -21 J

c) 15 J

d) -15 J

b) -21 J


Car A, of mass 10 kg, moves to the right at 5 m/s and then hits and sticks to Car B, of mass 7 kg, which was stationary. What would the velocity be for these two cars? 

.71 m/s


What happens to the magnitude of angular momentum when the object has its rotational speed multiplied by a factor of 5? 

a) Doesn't change at all

b) Decreases by a factor of 5

c) Increases by a factor of 5

d) Increases by 3 units 

c) Increases by a factor of 5


A projectile is fired from the ground level surface of the Earth with a speed of 150 m/s at an angle of 45° above the horizontal. What is the highest point the projectile reaches?  

573.98 m


An object of mass M accelerates at 20 m/s^2 when a force F is applied. What would be the acceleration of an object with a mass of 4M when the same force is applied?

a) 80 m/s^2

b) 40 m/s^2

c) 20 m/s^2

d) 5 m/s^2

d) 5 m/s^2


An object, of a mass of 5kg, that has experienced 30 Joules, starts moving from rest and travels an unknown number of meters. Using the work-energy theorem, find the object's final velocity after the unknown number of meters have been traveled. 

3.5 m/s


A force acting on an object, represented by the function 5t-6t^3 acts on the object from t=0 to t=5. Find the impulse of this. 

-875 Ns


Two disks, one with a mass of M, and the other with 3M are rotating with an initial angular speed w1 and w2 respectively. The disk with the mass 3M is then dropped onto the 1st disk making the new angular speed wf. What expression could we use to find the new angular speed? 


A ball is thrown with an initial velocity of 30 m/s at an angle of 45 degrees with the horizontal. How long does the ball stay in the air? 

4.31 seconds


A 1000N car is being pulled up a 45-degree incline using a dual-strand pulley that is attached to the block. One end of the rope is tied to the wall at the top of the plane while a man is pulling the other end of the rope.  What is the tension in the pull of the rope if the rope is parallel to the plane?

353.55 N


An object with a mass of 15 kg is acted upon by a force represented by the expression 5x+10x^2. AS the object moves from position x=0 to x=4, it starts off with a speed of 4 m/s. Find the object's final speed at x=4. 

7.06 m/s


A 100 kg stunt guy falls from a building for 5 seconds and hits a bouncy castle, which exerts a force onto him over 3 seconds. What force was exerted by the airbag? 

1633.333333 N


A sphere is sliding on a frictionless table while slipped. Another sphere is sliding but rotates on the same table with an angular velocity of w. What is the ratio in kinetic energy between these two spheres? 
