The founder of the Boy Scouts
Who is Lord Baden Powell?
The last rank of boy scouts
What is Eagle
Proper treatment for choking
What is the Heimlich maneuver?
The year Boys Scouts of America was founded
What is 1910?
on the left pocket
What is rank patch
Stopped Breathing, Serious Bleeding, Heart Attack & Internal Poisoning
What are "hurry" cases
Uncomfortable pressure in the chest, nausea, sweating, shortness of breath
What are common signs of a Heart Attack
The year Troop 86 was Reborn
What is 2014
merit badges are allowed on this
Merit Badge Sash
Burned away or charred flesh
What is a full thickness (Third Degree) burn?
These Two Stars on the First Class Badge meaning
How are Truth and Knowledge
Mr Trantham, Mr Goehl and Mr Mullett
What is the Key 3
the troop 86 uniform
What is tan shirt with correct patches in correct place, Red neckerchieff with slide.
The three fingers of the salute and sign signify these
What Are the three duties
Duty to God and Country
Duty to others
Duty to self