The founder of the Boy Scouts
Who is Lord Baden Powell?
On the RIGHT pocket
What is a TEMPORARY or Recognition patch?
There are 7 of these to recognize achievement
What are Scout Ranks?
The First knot learned as a Scout
What is the square knot?
The 4th point of the Scout Law
The year Boys Scouts of America was founded
What is 1910?
On the LEFT pocket
What is the Rank patch?
The wood used to start a fire
What is TINDER?
This knot starts and ends most lashings
What is the clove hitch?
That which a Scout should do every day.
What is a Good Turn or Deed?
The year Boy Scouts was founded in Great Britan.
What is 1907?
The official colors of Troop 648
What are red and black?
The primary RESCUE knot
What is a bowline?
The number 1 rule for winter camping
What is changing your socks?
The ONLY Cub Scout Award allowed to be worn on a Scout uniform
What is the Arrow of Light?
The age of Troop 648
What is 37 years?
When a Merit Badge sash should be worn
What are Courts of Honor and Boards of Review?
The knot on the Scout emblem represents this
What is the Scout Slogan "Do a good Turn Daily"?
The 3 Scouts BSA Swimming classifications
What are *Non-swimmer * Beginner * Swimmer?
The 2nd Point of The Outdoor Code
What is "Be careful with fire"?
The age range of Scouts in Scouts BSA
What is 10 1/2 - 18 years?
The side that the Troop 648 neckerchief RED should be on
What is the LEFT?
The National Mammal of the USA
What is the Bison, or American Buffalo?
The number of entries for an ax yard
What is ZERO?
The number of Citizenship Merit Badges and their names
What is 4, *Community *Nation *World *Society?