Boy Scout Law
Boy Scout Oath
The Outdoor Code
Boy Scout Motto, Boy Scout Slogan & Boy Scout Sign
Hiking skills

Trustworthy, Loyal

What are the first two points of the Boy Scout Law?

On my honor, I will do my best
What is the first line of the Boy Scout Oath?
As an American, I will do my best to - Be clean in my outdoor manners
What are the first two lines of the Outdoor Code?
Be Prepared!
What is the Boy Scout Motto?

What is the common saying "______ kills"?


Helpful, Friendly
What are the second two points of the Boy Scout Law?
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law
What is the second line of the Boy Scout Oath?
As an American - a citizen of the United States of America I will do my best to Be clean in my outdoor manners - I will pick up after myself and others - Leave no Trace
What do the first two lines of the Outdoor Code mean?

To be ready for any situation mentally and physically with the appropriate tools

What does the Scout Motto mean?


What are 8 of the 10 scout essentials

8 of the following:

pocketknife, first-aid kit, extra clothing, rain gear, water bottle, flashlight, trail food, matches + fire starters, sun protection, map and compass.

Courteous, Kind
What are the third two points of the Boy Scout Law?
To help other people at all times
What is the third line of the Boy Scout Oath?
Be careful with fire Be considerate in the outdoors, and
What are the second two lines of the Outdoor Oath?

Do a Good Turn Daily!

What is the Boy Scout Slogan?


What is the different between a camp stove and a backpacking stove?

Camping stove: multiple burners, allows better cooking while somewhat resembling a normal stove

Backpacking stove: single burner, not as good at 'cooking,' good for heating up water

Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty
What are the fourth three points of the Boy Scout Law?
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.
What is the fourth line of the Boy Scout Oath?
Be careful with fire - I will only make a fire in a designated fire ring, I will only make the fire as big as I need (I will not make a bonfire if I only need a small fire) - I will keep control of my fire and put it out fully when I am done with it. Be considerate in the outdoors, and - I will respect other campers and wild life. I will keep my voice and music, etc quiet when it gets dark outside. I will let the local wild life be - I will not chase after, or otherwise bother the wild life.
What do the second two lines of the Outdoor Oath mean?
To do something for someone - help them, do something nice for them. To help a neighbor with chores, help your parents with younger siblings, etc.
What does the Boy Scout Slogan mean?

A vastly popular trail on a mountain range going from Maine to Northern Georgia

What is the Appalachian Trail?

Brave, Clean & Reverent
What are the fifth three points of the Boy Scout Law?

DUTY TO GOD AND COUNTRY The core of your being is your relationship with God. Your family and religious leaders teach you about knowing and serving God and you do your duty by following their teachings and being a good family member. Your duty to your country is being a good citizen, obeying the laws, working to make it a stronger nation, and defending it and its principals. DUTY TO OTHER PEOPLE Doing your Good Turn each day, looking for people that could use a hand, and providing aid for community services are all ways to help others. We are obligated to help those that can not help themselves and helping with a cheerful spirit builds our own character. DUTY TO SELF Caring for yourself physically, mentally, and morally will result in a more rewarding life. Only you can control how you respond to challenges, hardships, and pleasures - and being strong in body, mind, and spirit will aid you in handling anything that comes your way.

Explain what the Boy Scout Oath means

Be conservation minded - I will only use the resources that I need to keep myself well and fit. I will not waste resources - I will pack my trash out with me.
What does the last line of the Outdoor Code mean?
Uses 3 fingers instead of 2 and arm is bent at a right angle instead of straight up.
How is the Boy Scout sign different from the Cub Scout sign? Demonstrate the Boy Scout sign.

what is the #1 objective when hiking?

To have fun!