True or false - It's ok to accept friend requests from anyone.
What is false.
True or false - It is ok to play on electronic devices while on a Scout outing.
What is "False"?
Your phone number, address, school, grade, family names and other personal information are part of which area of cyber safety?
What is Privacy?
This is the best tool you have to avoid risk online.
What is your brain?
Someone asks you your name and where you live. What should you do?
What is tell a parent or trusted adult?
True or False - It is ok to download new apps without a parent's approval.
What is False?
Not everyone you meet online is this Scout law trait.
What is Trustworthy?
You should be this, if an online “friend” tries to get you to send them an inappropriate photo of yourself.
What is "Suspicious"?
A good question to ask yourself before sending a text, email, or picture is...
Will my grandmother be OK seeing this post?
Trusted adults include the following.
What is parent, a teacher, a leader, or family member?
True or false - It is fine to share your password with friends.
What is "False"?
If someone asks you to meet offline you should tell this person.
What is "a Trusted Adult"?
Mixing these will create a strong password.
What is mixing letters, numbers and/or symbols?
You should change this often on your phone or device...
What is "Your Password"?
True or false - A Scout should not use their phone during a Scout meetings.
What is True?
Ask a trusted adult before sharing this online.
What is "Personal information"?
Considering others feelings when texting, posting or e-mailing involves these 3 Scout law characteristics.
What is kind, friendly, and courteous?
You should do this before sending an angry text or post.
What is "put down your device and take some time before sending response"?
True or false - It is ok to meet someone you met online face to face by yourself.
What is false.
Using internet access that is password protected enhances what?
What is (information) security?
You should do this if anyone sends you or asks you to send inappropriate messages and photos.
What is "Report it or tell someone"
Telling a trusted adult about unkind, untrue or hurtful postings of friends or those you know involves these 3 Scout laws traits.
What is helpful, brave, and trustworthy?
Use this on your device to control who has access to your personal information.
What are "Privacy Settings"?