Joe's "Dam" Job
Friends & Family
Misc. I
Misc. II

Who was the U.S. president who gave a big speech at the the town of Grand Coulee?

Franklin D. Roosevelt


What shocked Joe and Joyce when they visited Joe's step-siblings (when Thula and Joe's dad left the house)?

Kids were alone, not enough food


Why did Joyce quit working for the rich judge?

He was creeping her out - chasing her around the dining room table


True or False:  Joe was guaranteed a spot on the varsity boat in his 3rd year of school since he was such a good rower.

False (Coach Ulbrickson said no spot was guaranteed)


Why was President Franklin D. Roosevelt giving a speech at in the town of Grand Coulee?  2 answers:  What was going to be built and why would it be helpful?  

Building a new dam and lots of new jobs


Who did Joe develop a friendship with while working on the Grand Coulee Dam?

Other members of the rowing team

Johnny White & Chuck Day (don't need to know their name)


True or False:  At Joyce's new job, she developed a good friendship with her boss and the two took cooking lessons together!



In the night/evening hours after practice, where did Joe spend a lot of his free time?

Shell house


What was Joe's job at the Grand Coulee Dam?

Jackhammering rock


Who did Coach Ulbrickson ask to take a look at Joe's inconsistent rowing?

George Pocock


What happened to Thula?

She died (got an infection)


What job did both Stub McMillan and Joe both have during college?


Two parts:  Was Joe's job easy or hard?  What animal was the "risk" while in the showers of the Shack Town where Joe lived?

Very hard job - difficult, dangerous, hot, breathing dust,

Black widow spider


Why did Joe feel a connection with another rower, Stub McMillan?

Stub was also very poor and had to work as a custodian to pay for college


True or False:  George Pocock said the ability to bend (make changes) was a source of strength in men.



True or False:  It seemed as if Joe did not like spending time and learning with Joe Pocock (boat builder).

False, he seemed to like spending time with Joe


Why did Joe need a job at the Grand Coulee Dam?

To pay for next year of school


What lesson did George Pocock share with Joe about rowing?  What did he have to put into his boat?  (Hint:  It is an organ in your body)

Pocock told Joe that he had to put his heart into the boat (and give himself up to it spiritually).


Why was winning an Olympic Gold Medal important to Joe?

He wanted to prove something to his family, prove his worth.


What did Joe's dad ask Joe to do, after Thula died?

Dad was going to build a house for them all....he wanted Joe to come live with him (drop out of school)