Front Matter
Displayed Material

True or False: When an entire text is printed in blocked paragraphs (1-1), convert them to indented paragraphs (3-1).

True (Formats 1.9.3)


Which comes first: the Special Symbols page, the Transcriber's Notes page, or the Table of Contents?

The Special Symbols page (Formats 2.2.1)


When would you use transcriber-defined typeform indicators?

For print embellishments other than bold, italics, underlining, or script, such as colored text, highlighting, small capitals, etc. (RUEB 9.5.1)


What margins should be used for a prose poem?

Follow print paragraph format, either 1-1 or 3-1 (Formats 13.7.1)


What margins are used for displayed material?

Blocked two cells to the right of the runover of the material immediately before the displayed material. I.e., when displayed material follows a paragraph in 3-1, the displayed material should be in 3-3 (Formats 9.2.2)


What are the three types of braille headings, in order from most significant to least significant?

Centered headings, cell-5 headings, and cell-7 headings (Formats 4.3)


What margins should be used for the Transcriber's Notes page?

3-1 indented paragraphs (Formats 2.6.1)


A book title is printed as follows: "The Cask of Amontillado from The Collected Works of Edgar Allan Poe." Which typeforms are retained in braille?

Only the italics, which retain meaning. The bold can be omitted when the title is converted to a centered heading (Formats 5.3.5, 5.4.1)


True or False: Nested lists can be transcribed in a single column or multiple columns.

False (Formats 8.5.1)


Define pull quotes.

Pull quotes are material from the main body of the text that is repeated, usually in a larger font, in a sidebar or below the text. They are not reproduced in braille (9.1.1)


How many blank cells should there be between the end of the running head and the print page number?

3 (Formats 1.8.2)


What information should be included in the volume information segment of the title page?

The number of volumes, the number of the current volume ("Volume 2 of 5"), and braille and print page numbers (Formats 2.3.8)


Which typeform indicators should be used for a series of italicized paragraphs?

An italics passage indicator before each paragraph, and an italics terminator after the final paragraph (Formats 5.6.1)


Lists are usually preceded by a blank line. Exceptions to this rule include:

When it follows a cell-5 or cell-7 heading, a top box line, or directions (Formats 8.3.3)


True or False: Epigraphs should be placed with the front matter (as p pages) and treated as displayed material.

False (Formats 9.3.1)


What margins should be used for a transcriber's note that is more than 7 words long?

7-5 (Formats 3.1.4)


True or False: If the print book has an illustrator, their name MUST be included with the author's name on the title page.

False (Formats 2.3.5)


What does it mean for typeform indicators to be "nested," such as in a passage that is both bold and underlined?

The typeforms should be "closed" in reverse order of how they were opened - i.e., if the paragraph begins with the bold passage indicator followed by the underlining passage indicator, it should end with the underlining terminator followed by the bold terminator (RUEB 9.8.1)


A nested list has five levels, with the level furthest to the right beginning in cell 9. In which cell does the runover for ALL levels begin?

Cell 11 (8.5.1)


What margins are used for attribution following a piece of text, such as "—Emily Dickinson" at the end of a poem?

Blocked in the fifth cell to the right of the previous line. I.e. if the poem was in 1-3, the attribution should be in 7-7 (Formats 9.2.2)


When arranged in braille order, which symbol would come first: a gh sign (dots 126), or a hyphen (dots 36)?

The gh sign (RUEB 1.1.2)


If both a 10-digit ISBN number and a 13-digit ISBN number are included on the copyright page in print, which do you use in braille?

Both (Formats 2.3.6)


True or false: Font attributes can be ignored on letters that are standing alone (as in "She spells her name with an h at the end").

True (Formats 5.3.2)


If a poem is arranged in a shape, such as a heart or an fish, how is that represented in braille?

A description in a transcriber's note before the poem (the text of the poem is transcribed in 1-3) or a tactile graphic (Formats 13.5.1)


A letter ends with the words "Sincerely, Charlie" placed at the right margin. How should this be formatted in braille?

Treat signatures and closings as attributions (9.7.1)