The brain weighs this much, on average
What is 3 lbs?
These are the two types of matter in the brain.
What are Gray & White?
What part of the brain controls movement, thinking, regulating, and processing?
What is the crebrum?
What is the pain part of the brain?
What is the crebrum?
The brain is this percentage fat.
What is 60%?
This type of matter carries information to the nervous system.
What is white matter?
What part of the brain is connected to the spinal cord?
What is the brainstem?
What is just below and behind the cerebrum?
True or False: The brain is a muscle.
What is false?
This type of matter processes information.
What is Gray Matter?
What part of the brain controls balance and posture?
What is the lowest point of the brain?
What is the brainstem?