What is the amygdala?
The part of the brain that deals with someone's emotions and feelings. Also responsible for the "fight or flight" response.
Define Neuron in your own words
Individual cells in the nervous system
that receive, integrate, and transmit
The Soma contains what part of the cell
The nucleus
The nervous system can be divided into two main parts. What are they?
Central and Peripheral
At what age does your brain typically fully develop?
25 years old
The frontal lobe contains two different cortexs. What are they? Double points if you can tell what they do
Prefrontal (CEO of the brain) and Motor Cortex (Planning, control, and execution of voluntary movements)
What are the two types of signals neurons can send?
Excitatory and Inhibitory
Parts of the neuron that are
specialized to receive information (Question Form)
What are Dendrites
What part of the brain is responsible for raising your hand in class or walking down the hall to class?
What is neurogenesis?
○ Formation of new neurons
○ Continues throughout life
○ Naturally via sleep, exercise, food, etc.
○ Stress and alcohol have negative effects
What are the three major divisions of the brain?
What is the All or None Law?
Either the neurons fire - or they don’t
● Weaker stimuli do not produce
smaller signals
● Stronger stimuli do not produce
stronger signals
What is the Myelin Sheath?
When the automatic aspect of our nervous system gets misinterpreted. People attribute their arousal to the wrong stimulus. (Question Form)
What is the Misattribution of Arousal?
● Demonstrates learning and memory
● Neural connections that are used
more frequently strengthen
○ Neurons learn to fire together
(Question Form)
What is Long Term Potentiation?
This part of the brain contains the Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Amygdala, and Hippocampus (Question Form)
What is the Limbic System?
The three types of neurons are?
1. Sensory
2. Motor
3. Interneurons
What are the Axon and Axon Terminals?
Long, thin fiber that transmits signals away from the soma to other neurons or to muscles or glands.
End of the axon branch - transmits information (neurotransmitters)
The Autonomic part of the Nervous System can be split into two different parts. What are they and define them? (hint: the definitions can rhyme)
Sympathetic: Fight or Flight
Parasympathetic: Rest and Digest
Fill in it's opposite or other
Autonomic & __________
Central Nervous System & _________________
Sympathetic & _________________
Peripheral Nervous System
The Cerebrum is divided into 4 different lobes. Name all 4 and the function of each.
Frontal Lobe: Judgement, Planning, Speaking, Impulse control, and Thinking
Parietal Lobe: Sensory Cortex
Occipital Lobe: Sight Processing
Temporal Lobe: Auditory Cortex
____________________________ mimic the effect of neurotransmitters.
____________________________ block the normal functioning of neurotransmitters.
Agonist and Antagonist
Fill in the blanks
Neuron, Soma, Dendrites Axon, Myelin Sheath, and Axon Terminals
Fill in the blanks
Cerebellum, Temporal Lobe, Occipital Lobe, Brainstem, Parietal Lobe, and Frontal Lobe.
Order Them 1-5
_____ Neurotransmitters bind to receptor sites on the post-synaptic neuron
_____ The incoming signal surpasses the threshold and triggers an action potential
_____ The dendrites of a neuron receive information from incoming signal
_____ Axon terminals release neurotransmitters
_____ An action potential (electrical impulse) travels down the axon of a neuron
5, 2, 1, 4, 3