Cerebral Cortex
Neurotransmitters & Directional Terms
Parts and Functions

The primary type of cells that make up the brain.

What are neurons?


One is responsible for movement, the other for feeling. One is at the back of the Frontal Lobe, the other is at the front of the Parietal Lobe. They are on each side of the Central Sulcus.

What are the Motor Cortex/Strip (Precentral Gyrus) and the Somatosensory Cortex/Strip (Postcentral Gyrus)?


The Amygdala, Hippocampus, and Cingulate Gyrus.

What are the 3 main structures of the Limbic System?


Control of body temperature, hunger, thirst, fight-or-flight, hormonal regulation, and much more.

What is the hypothalamus?


The parts of the Hindbrain

What are Pons, Medulla, and Cerebellum?


31,000 years

How long would it take to count to one trillion. 


This lobe is responsible for vision and contains the primary visual cortex?

What is the occipital lobe?


Processing of stress, containing the hormone cortisol.

What is the Hippocampus?


This part of the "hindbrain," whose name means "little brain," is the first part of the brain to form; it helps coordinate purposeful movement, rhythm, and balance.

What is the Cerebellum?


In the fall, leaves revert to their natural colors because this chemical stops working.

What is chlorophyll?



How many "connections" can one neuron make to other neurons (or muscles, organs, etc.)?


This lobe is responsible for language, hearing, and musical abilities.

What is the Temporal Lobe?


These structures aid in the process of movement and the fine tuning of activity.

What are the Basal Ganglia?


This part of the Limbic System is responsible for emotions, especially anxiety and fear. It also has the ability to form new neurons.

What is the Amygdala?


This director of the upcoming Star Wars movie also directed the most recent Star Trek movies.

Who is J.J. Abrams?


The brain is divided into 2 _____________. The right one controls the __________ side of the body and vice versa.

What are "hemispheres" and "left"?


This lobe, larger in Einstein's brain, is helpful in math and spatial awareness and is responsible for integrating sensory information, especially touch, sensation, or feeling.

What is the Parietal Lobe?


The 3 main structures located in the "Telencephalon" in the Forebrain.

What are the Thalamus, Hypothalamus, and Epithalamus?


This part functions as the brain's switchboard (relay station), transmitting sensory information and relaying it to the appropriate lobe on the cerebral cortex or area of the brain.

What is the Thalamus?


This popular 80's show got a reboot this year, only this incarnation features the main couple's children.

What is "Boy Meets World?"


The grooves on the surface of the brain are called __________ (deeper) and ____________ (shallower). 

What are "sulci" & "fissures"?


This lobe contains our moral center and allows us to follow social rules and laws. It also allows us to "see" ourselves in our mind's eye, and facilitates analysis, planning, and decision-making (among many other functions).

What is the Frontal Lobe?


The part of the hindbrain that serves as a bridge between the cerebellum and the rest of the brain.

What is the Pons?


This part of the brainstem helps regulate UNCONSCIOUS life functions, including respiration, blood pressure, blood flow, heartbeat, digestion, etc.

What is the Medulla (also called Medulla Oblongata)?


A region inside of the brain (located laterally on each side of the brain) involved in motor control.

What are the Basal Ganglia?