
A few hours after lunch, Sam's stomach started to rumble, so she asked her mom what time dinner was. 

Why did Sam ask when dinner was?

She was hungry.


Lia didn't set an alarm for her early morning after staying up late. 

What happens next?

She oversleeps and is late for her early morning.


Olive made sure she fed her pet LOLIC before she went to school. 

What is wrong with this sentence?

Lolic is not a real thing and you wouldn't feed it to your pet. 


Denny opened his mouth after he sat in the dentist's chair.

What happened first? Then what happened?

First Denny sat in the dentist's chair. Then he opened his mouth. 


Stable, Hay, Saddle, Reigns, Barn

What animal is associated with these words?



Quinton was reading a book late into the night and his eyes started to droop, so he turned off the light and went to sleep. 

Why did Quinton's eyes start to droop?

He was tired. 


The oven accidentally got turned off before the cupcakes were finished cooking. 

What happens next?

They don't get cooked.


Erin sat on the beach under her TERPER and read a book. 

What is wrong with this sentence?

Terper is not a real word. She might be sitting under an umbrella. 


The girl had to stay up late to finish her homework because she forgot to do it after school. 

What happened first? Then what happened?

First the girl forgot to do her homework after school. Then she had to stay up late to complete it.


cookies, ice cream, icing, cake mix, carrot, sprinkles, whipped cream, candy

Which of these things is not like the others?



Valerie's mom ordered Chinese food for dinner on Friday night. While they were waiting for the food, everyone heard the doorbell ring. Valerie went to the door and her mom went to get her wallet. 

Why did Valerie's mom need her wallet?

She needed to pay for the Chinese food since the delivery person just showed up with their food. 


Kira got her glass of water and sat down on the carpet to color on the floor. When she was coloring, her big dog, Rex, ran by her wanting to play. She forgot the water was there and Rex tried to jump over the glass. 

What happens next?

Rex knocks over the glass of water. 


The rain started to fall, and Hailey ran to jump into her mom's fighter jet parked next to the school. 

What is wrong with this sentence?

A fighter jet wouldn't be parked next to school. Hailey was probably getting in her mom's car. 

Brett's dad offered to pay him to wash the cars. First, Brett washed his dad's red truck. After it was dry, he washed his mom's white car. He made sure to wash all of the windows and the wheels. When his mom and dad came outside, they were very impressed with the job that Brett did. 

What happened in this story?

Brett's dad offered to pay him to wash the cars. He washes his dad's red truck, then after it dried, his mom's white car. He made sure to clean the windows and wheels. His mom and dad were impressed when he was finished.

Maddox had to get ready for school in a rush. He picked out a shirt and shorts to wear. Then, he got some socks and some tennis shoes. On his way out of the door, he grabbed a jacket so he wouldn't be cold. 

What happened in this story?

Maddox was getting ready for school in a rush so he picked out a shirt and shorts to wear. He grabbed socks and shoes and grabbed a jacket when he was walking out the door so he wouldn't be cold.


Sienna was watching the football game on TV with her family on Sunday. She went into the kitchen to get a snack and drink. While she was in the kitchen, everyone started cheering. 

Why do you think everyone was cheering?

Their team scored or made a good play.


Madison had her spelling test on Friday. On Monday, she got the new spelling list. She looked at the words on Monday night, but then forgot about the test the rest of the week. When Friday morning came, she pannicked. 

What happens next?

She doesn't do well on the spelling test.


While driving to soccer practice, Shay and her mom discovered a giant whale in the middle of the road. They had to turn around and go another way. Shay ended up being late for practice and ran up the hill in a hurry. 

What is wrong with this paragraph?

They wouldn't have seen a giant whale in the middle of the road.


Weston and his dad bought a kit to make a birdhouse together. Weston got all of the wood and his dad got the drill. Weston's dad showed him how to use the drill and they got all of the pieces put together. To finish the project, Weston painted the birdhouse a bright blue color. 

What happened in this story?

Weston and his dad were building a birdhouse together. Weston grabbed wood and his dad got the drill. Weston's dad showed him how to use the drill and they put the pieces together. Weston then painted the birdhouse bright blue.

During the birthday party, Sammy's mom asked her to get the desserts ready. Sammy went to the refrigerator and got out the whipped cream and chocolate syrup. Then, she went to the freezer. 

What do you think Sammy is getting from the freezer?

ice cream 


Fiona was very excited about her trip to the pool with her friends. She packed her pool bag with a towel, toys, and her sunglasses. After she finished playing in the pool, she went to her bag to get her towel.

Why does Fiona need her towel?

She was wet and wanted to dry off.


After school, Jenna put her backpack on the hook and her dog started to bark and wag his tail. The dog went over to his leash and pulled it down, and Jenna picked it up. She clipped the leash to his collar. 

What happens next?

Jenna takes her dog for a walk.


Before school started, Olivia picked out a new sweater for the first day back. The bowling balls hanging from the sleeves were just what she was looking for, and she excitedly showed her mom what she had found. 

What is wrong with this paragraph?

There wouldn't be bowling balls hanging from the sleeves of the sweater. 


Jasmine wanted to redecorate her bedroom. She decided to go to the store and get some new decorations to hang on her walls. When she was at the store, she found two new posters and a lamp. She couldn't wait to get home and see how everything looked. 

What happened in this story?

Jasmine wanted to redecorate her room, so she went to the store to get new decorations to put on her walls. She found two new posters and a lamp. She was excited to go home and see how they looked in her room. 


You are going to learn how to care for roses. Listen and then paraphrase the important information. Paraphrasing is a strategy to reduce a large amount of information into the most important parts. List a list. 

Caring for roses is easier than most think. First, roses should be planted in a sunny spot with good drainage. For the best flowers, rose bushes should be fertilized. The soil should be kept moist by evenly watering the plant. If caring for an established rose bush, it should be pruned early in the spring in order to produce the best roses later in the season. Finally, always watch for diseases on the roses such as black sots and powdery mildew and treat appropriately if found. Following these steps will result in beautiful roses!

- plant in a sunny spot

- use fertilizer

-water evenly

-Prune in early spring

-Watch for diseases