Making Connections

After the new puppy got into the closet, Hannah had to go shopping for new shoes. 

Why did Hannah get new shoes?

The new puppy messed up her shoes. 


The wind started to blow and the first clap of thunder was heard. 

What happens next?

There was lightning and a thunderstorm started. 


Before school, Hang brushed his teeth. 

Can you make a connection to yourself?

I brush my teeth before I go to school.


The little moose was buzzing through the air and landed on a flower.

What is wrong with this sentence?

A little moose would not be able to fly and buzz around, it should be some sort of bug. 


After school, Christopher went to football practice.

What happened first? Then what happened?

First, Christopher went to school. Then, he had football practice.


After taking a drink of his water, Donny went back to the fridge to get some ice. 

Why did Donny get ice?

He got ice because his water was warm and he wanted his water to be colder.


The river was already high when the downpour started. 

What happens next?

It flooded and overflowed. 

Sam and his sister made a big mess and had to clean up before their mom got home. 

Can you make a connection to a book?

"The Cat in the Hat" or another book where the characters have to clean up a big mess.


Zara's little sister picked out a new LACKNACK at the store. 

What is wrong with this sentence?

Lacknack is not a real word.


Olivia did a cartwheel during gymnastics class for the first time and cheered excitedly. 

What happened first? Then what happened?

First, Olivia did a cartwheel during gymnastics. Then, she cheered excitedly. 


While they were playing baseball, the kids' ball went over the fence, so Josh got his mom. 

Why did Josh get his mom?

They needed her help to go get the ball that went over the fence.


Ashleigh woke up in the middle of the night and realized it was only midnight. 

What happens next?

She goes back to sleep.


Gemma was so excited for the first day of school! Gemma packed her backpack the night before with her school supplies. She couldn't wait to see her friends and her new teacher. On the first day, she ran up to her new teacher and said hello!

Can you make a connection to yourself?

I was very excited for the first day of school... share thoughts on this!


Rita made her grocery list, and made she she added firecrackers to the list to have for dinner tomorrow night.

What is wrong with this sentence?

Rita wouldn't eat firecrackers for dinner. 


Roy spread out the picnic blanket on the grass after he found a nice shady spot. 

What happened first? Then what happened?

First, he found a nice shady spot. Then he spread out his picnic blanket. 


Brett woke up, saw the clock, and got up in a panic to get dressed. As he was getting ready, his mom walked in and told him it was Sunday. Brett took a deep breath and went back to sleep. 

Why did Brett get ready in a panic?

He thought he was late for school because he forgot it was the weekend.


Vera decided to save up her weekly allowances to buy a new bike. Every week, when she got her allowance, she put it in the bank in her room. After saving all year, Vera decided to check her bank and let out a cheer. 

What happens next?

She buys a new bike since she has enough money now. 


When Iris was little, she was afraid of the dark. She always had her mom check on her before bed, and sometime it would take a long time to go to sleep. Her mom would always make sure she fell asleep, but she sometimes got worried when it took a little bit of time. 

Can you make a connection to yourself?

Share something you've been scared of and needed help from a grown up to feel better. 


Lexi decided to make a peanut butter sandwich for lunch. She got out a loaf of SPORKLE and the peanut butter and jelly from the cupboard. After she finished making the sandwich, she sat with her mom to enjoy her lunch. 

What is wrong with the paragraph?

SPORKLE is not a word. She would get out a loaf of bread. 


Alex and his dad decided to go to the music store. They were looking to get Alex his first guitar. Alex tried playing one of the guitars and found one he liked Alex got a new green guitar and was excited to get started. 

What happened in this story?

First, Alex and his dad went to the music store so Alex could buy his first guitar. He tried some out and found a green one he liked.


On a hot day in July, Corinne was planning on going to the amusement park with her friends. They all packed up and were excited to ride all of the big rides. When she went up to the first ride, she went to the front to measure herself to make sure she could ride, and got very sad. 

Why was Corinne sad?

She was not tall enough to go on the ride.


Dan made breakfast for his mom in the morning. He knew that his mom loved eggs and toast, so he decided to make both foods for her. He got the toast and put it in the toaster. He accidentally set the toaster to a stronger setting. 

What happens next?

He burnt the toast. 


While biking her in driveway, Louise accidentally fell down an dhurt her arm. Her mom took her to the doctor who took an x-ray and told her that she had broken her arm. She got a cast and was told se had to have it on for two months. 

Can you make connections to yourself?

A connection about being hurt. 


Joseph had to help his dad rake some leaved in the yard. He got the rake and started to push the leaves into bags. While he was working, he picked up a leaf and it smelled like spaghetti and meatballs, and it reminded him about all of the past falls he had been able to help his dad in the yard. 

What is wrong with this paragraph?

The leaf wouldn't smell like spaghetti and meatballs.


Hank and Sarah went to a baseball game with their family. When they walked in, everyone got free baseball hats for coming to the game. They watched all nine innings and their team won the game! 

What happened in the story?

First, Hank and Sarah went to a baseball game with their families. They all got free hats for coming to the game and they stayed the whole game and their team one!