True or False: Different parts of the brain control different things.
True or False: When your amygdala is calm, the prefrontal cortex is able to receive information from it.
What does flipping your lid mean?
What is the job of a neuroscientist?
Studies the brain, parts of the brain, how the brain functions, and how it impacts our behavior and how we think
What is a strategy that helps your amygdala calm down and helps you to think clearly?
Taking full, deep breaths
Demonstrate with your hand how your lid flips.
[demonstrate correctly with your thumb and fingers]
What is the yellow region of the brain called? (Look at goggle doc for image)
Prefrontal cortex
What does the prefrontal cortex help you to do?
Helps you think, reason, focus, make decisions
What are some things that can happen when you flip your lid?
You could lose control of your actions, yell, scream, hit, kick, make bad choices [any other examples of making bad choices]
What is the blue region of the brain called? (Look at goggle doc for image)
What does the hippocampus help you do?
Helps you create, process and store memories and important facts
Name three ways/strategies to help you feel calm and think clearly when you are upset.
Take deep breaths, listen to music, talk to an adult,
What is the red region of the brain called? (Look at goggle doc for image)
What does the amygdala help you do?
It helps you process your emotions and react quickly based on how you are feeling. Passes on information to your prefrontal cortex so you can think.
What is progressive muscle relaxation?
You tense and relax your muscles in different parts of your body