Responsible for heartbeat, breathing, and automatic functions
Brain stem
The part of your brain that contains the 4 lobes and looks like a big cap
Cerebral cortex
What year did Phineas' accident happen?
What does TBI stand for?
Traumatic brain injury
How much does a human brain weigh?
About 3 pounds
Responsible for coordinating movement and balance
The cerebellum
Lobe that is responsible for sense of touch or pain
Parietal lobe
Name one SPECIFIC way Phineas changed after the accident. (An example of his behavior)
Angrily refused $1000 for worthless pebbles
Swore/used profanity
Unreliable on the job
Walked around with no coat or shoes in the rain
Wanted to walk to his mom's house in NH
True or False: A concussion is not a type of TBI.
False! It is a mild form of TBI
By what age is your brain most likely fully developed?
By about age 25
What lobe is responsible for most of your personality, emotions, and decisions?
Frontal lobe
Lobe that is responsible for understanding what you see, recognizing and identifying things, faces, etc.
Occipital lobe
What was his doctor's name?
Dr. Harlow
Name two ways to prevent concussion.
Wear a seat belt, a helmet, avoid contact sports, safety accommodations in your home for infants or the elderly, drive vehicles and bikes safely and responsibly, etc.
Name two of the Four Humors.
Yellow bile, black bile, blood, and phlegm
The part of your brain that acts as a messaging center for the two hemispheres
Corpus callosum
True or False: Each hemisphere of the cortex has all 4 lobes.
What key discovery by Louis Pasteur was still 20 years away at the time of Phineas' accident?
Germ theory... The proof that tiny microorganisms like bacteria can cause infection or illness
What is the most important thing to do if you think you have a concussion?
Go see a doctor/get tested for concussion, stop playing sports
Refers to the brain's ability to rewire itself in response to damage or learning.
The term for brain cells. We have 100 billion of them!
What does the temporal lobe do?
To understand what we're hearing and for memory
What part of the brain was injured in the accident AND how do you know?
The frontal lobe of the cortex because of the changes to his decision-making and emotional regulation. Plus, the tamping iron passed through the front of his skull, which is where the frontal lobe is located.
How many million Americans experience a TBI every year?
1.5 million
What percent of your brain is water?
73% (If you're close, you get the points)