I am full of holes, but I can still hold a lot of water. What am I?
A sponge
Where does one wall meet the other wall?
on the corner
A man who was outside in the rain without an umbrella or hat didn’t get a single hair on his head wet. Why?
he was bald
If there are three apples and you take away two, how many apples do you have?
I follow you all the time and copy your every move, but you can’t touch me or catch me. What am I?
a shadow
Jeff’s dad has three sons: Snap, Crackle, and ___?
What word begins with the letter e, ends with the letter e, and only has one letter?
an envelope
What can fill a room but takes up no space?
Two mothers and two daughters went out to eat. Everyone ate one sandwich, yet only 3 sandwiches were eaten. How is this possible?
They were a grandmother, daughter, and granddaughter