Houses, etc.
Ignition, etc.
Body, etc.
Jobs, etc.
Math-ish, etc.

There are three houses.  One is red, one is blue, and one is white.  The red house is to the left of the house in the middle, and the blue house is to the right of the house in the middle. This is the location of the white house.

1400 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington D.C.


You are in a cabin and it is pitch black.  You have one match on you. There is a newspaper, a lamp, a candle and a fireplace with a fire ready to start. This is the first thing you choose to light on fire.

What is the match?


Mr. Bigger, Mrs. Bigger, or their baby-- this one is the largest.

What is "the baby?" (It's a little Bigger.)


Mike is a butcher.  He is 5' 10" tall and the doctor tells him he as an average Body Mass Index. He eats mostly pork and spinach. What does Mike weigh?

What is "meat?" (That's part of his job, as a butcher.)


A farmer has 17 sheep but all but nine died. Six were male, and two of the black sheep were female. The males were an even mix of black and white. How many sheep are left?

What is 9? (All but nine died.)


The next three letters in the following sequence:

J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, ___,  ___,  ___

What are S, O, N? (September, October, and November.)


Jimmy's mother had four children.  She named the first 'Monday.'  She named the second 'Tuesday,' and she named the third 'Wednesday.'  This is the name of the fourth child.

What is Jimmy? (He has to be the fourth child.)


I am the body part that almost everyone overlooks.

What is your nose?


A plane crashes on the border of the U.S. and Canada. More than half of the passengers died. The plane came to rest with the left side entirely on U.S. territory, but the right side was entirely in Canada. This is what the undertaker knew about the location of the survivors' graves.

Where is "nowhere?" (Nobody buries survivors; they are still alive.)


In a year there are 12 months.  Seven months have 31 days.  This is the number of months with 28 days.

What is 12? (Even the 30 and 31 day months have a first 28 days.)


You are driving a bus.  At the first house, two women get on.  At the second house, three men get on and one woman gets off.  At the third house, three kids and their mom get on, and a man gets off.  The bus is grey, and it's raining outside.  This is the color of the bus driver's hair.

What is (whatever the person answering the question has for hair color)? Because that person is the bus driver.


Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die.  This is what I am.

What is fire?


You can hold this without ever touching it or using your hands.

What is your breath?


First, I threw away the outside and cooked the inside. Then I ate the outside and threw away the inside. I am one of these.

What is "an ear of corn on the cob?"


I am full of holes, but I can still hold water. This is what I am.

What is a sponge?


Hot or cold? This one moves faster.

What is "hot?" (You can always catch a cold.)


You can make the the number 7 even without ever using the math operations addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. This is how you do it.

What is "erasing the first s in the word 'seven?'"


There are 20 people in an empty, octagonal room. Each person can see the entire room and everyone in it from where they are without turning their heads (but they can move their eyes). This is where you can you place an apple so that not everybody can see it.

Where is the top of any person's head? (At least that person can't see the apple.)


I am always in you, but only sometimes on you. If I surround you, I can kill you. I am this.

What is water?


You can you take 2 from 5 and have 4 left. This is how.

What is "erasing the first and last letters from the word 'FIVE?'" (That leaves the Roman numeral  'IV.')


I have a little house in which I live all alone.  It has no doors or windows, and if I want to go out I must break through the wall.  I am one of these.

What is a baby bird? (Breaking through an egg.)


I am a fire hydrant. I have H20 on the outside. This is what I have on the outside.

What is K9P?


You were born in a one story house made entirely of redwood planks. You have never been outside the house. Three of the walls inside the house are forest green and four are dark blue. The floor is unfinished. The ceiling is white. This is what you can conclude about the color of the stairs.

What is "nothing?" (It's a one story house, so the stairs are outside, where you've never been.)


Mr. and Mrs. Mustard were only children. They got married and had 6 daughters. Each daughter had 3 brothers. One grandchild lives with the family. This is the number of aunts and uncles living there.

What is 8? (The six daughters have the same three brothers, but the parent of the grandchild is not an aunt or uncle; all the other siblings are.)


I have six faces but I don't wear make-up. I have twenty one eyes, one of which is reptilian. I am one these.

What is a die? (A pair of dice that both rolled a 1 is called 'snake eyes.')