What represents control?
what does Bernard feel when he is above the ocean?
What is the DHC's name?
Lifeless and unemotional
How is the Department of Hatcheries and Conditioning?
What does the storm represent in King Lear?
What shows John the Savage's culture?
what does Henry Foster think of other people?
eightteenth floor!
what floor makes the Epislon semi-moron so happy?
cold and technical
what language does Huxely use to describe the Brave New World?
what represents control and authority in The Crucible?
Alpha double plus
what symbolizes authority?
dirt and disease
what does the image of the dead dog make us feel about malpais?
Charing T station
Where do the planes for America depart from?
what is the lowest caste?
What toy did Elizabeth Procter receive?
Group Vs Self think
What do John and Helmholtz represent?
The Feelies
what is the type of sensory movies that the brave new world watch?
Bokanovzski's process
what is the name of the fetal separation process for making clones?
ending is better than mending,
Everyone belongs to everyone else
What is Hypnopedia?
only toby and wellington
what symbol is used for comsumerism?
sad and pathetic
what picture do you have of Bernard's party?
Where is the female Alpha plus the principal of?
Oh brave new world, what beauteous things here-in it!
What famous line from The Tempest is the name of the book?
Uncle Charley
Who was Willie Loman's best friend?