The proper portion of the Salad Chicken/Smoked Chicken (Whole/Half)
What is 3oz (Full) 1.65(Half)
Nose piercings are allowed in this quantity and shape
What is 1/Studs
Newly added Barista drink
What is Cinnamon Crunch Latte (Served Hot and Ice)
Eggs need to be stored at this temperature
What is 140 degrees or higher
Prefers their Chicken Noodle without Carrots
Who is Brittany (General Manager)
This many Olives go on a Greek Salad (Whole/Half)
What is 5(Whole)3(Half)
These types of jeans are perfect for uniform
What is straight blue jeans with no holes that aren't skinny?
This soup will be sadly exiting the menu
What is Mexican Street Corn
The process that occurs when an allergy is presented
What is a manager is told and they look through the ingredient/allergy book
Has the most unique style
Who is Kayleigh (Café Health Manager)
Mac and cheese is no dropped after what time/how is made after
When is 8pm/Microwave to order
These should be done/checked before you clocked in
What is Nametag/Hats/Shirt tucked in, non-slip shoes
This bread will home the chipotle wrap
What is Ciabatta Bread
Soups should be temped in this range
What is 165 degree or higher
Is most late
Who is Izzy (Assistant /Food Manager)
The number of seared chicken dropped from 2-5pm
What is 2-3
Jewelry should be worn in this manner
What is no rings, necklaces only religious, one piercing on each ear (studs)
These soups will joining the menu
What is Turkey Chili/Autumn Squash
Seared chicken is held under these conditions
What is 140 degrees or higher or 4 hours
Has the best music taste
Who is Tylon (Prep Manager)
The proper way to top a flatbread including how many scoops
What is Spread evenly/ 2 for cheese flatbreads and 1 for others
Associates must have their hair and facial hair worn as
What is men must be neatly trimmed/women must have hair in a bun
This new breakfast sandwich will headline our menu
What is Asiago Egg & Cheese
These items are not allowed to be stored in food areas
What is personal items/headphones
Is most likely at the top of a ladder
Who is Matt (Facilities Manager)