Not Interested
Body Language
Facial Expressions

You tell a joke and your friend laughs 


How do you know?


You tell a classmate about a new hobby you picked up. They’re nodding, smiling, and mirroring your body language by leaning in. They also ask, 'How long have you been doing that?' Are they interested or disinterested?


What could you ask them back?


Why is body language important when talking to others?

Body language can tell us how the other person is feeling or thinking without saying anything.


You’re explaining a difficult concept to a classmate. They have their lips pressed together, furrowed brows, and their head is tilted slightly to the side.

What is their facial expressions telling you?

They might be confused


What has hands but can’t clap?

A clock


A classmate tells you they went apple picking over the weekend. What could you say to show that you're interested?

You could ask a question about their weekend.

How was it?

Did you have fun?

Did you get a lot of apples?


You’re talking to someone at lunch about your favorite band. They’re leaning back in their chair, playing with their food, and barely making eye contact. Are they interested or disinterested?


What can you do to get the other person interested in the conversation with you?


While you’re talking about a group project, your classmate is facing you, making eye contact, and occasionally nodding, but they are also tapping their fingers on the table and looking at their phone every few seconds.

What do you think they are thinking about? What is their body language telling you? 

They might be in a rush

They may be bored

They may need a break from class


While you talk about a TV show, your peer’s eyes are wide, their mouth is slightly open, and they’re nodding slowly. 

What is their facial expressions showing you?

They are interested in the tv show


What gets more wet as it dries?

A towel


You tell your classmate about a new tv show you are watching and they start looking at their phone.

They are disinterested


You’re telling a peer all about your favorite sport and how much you love it. They’re facing you, nodding occasionally, but their arms are crossed, and they’re tapping their foot impatiently. Are they interested or disinterested?



While you’re talking about the sport, the classmate has their head resting on one hand, their body turned slightly away from you, and their eyes are scanning the room.

What is their body language telling you? Are they interested or disinterested?

They may be bored

They are disinterested


Your excited talking about an event but the person you are talking to is not making eye contact with you and not smiling.

What are their facial expressions telling you?

They are not interested in what you are talking about.


What has to be broken before you use it?

An egg


You are talking to your friends about your new pet snake and their face turns red and they look away.

Are they interested or disinterested? How do you know?


How can you switch the conversation to another topic?


You’re explaining the rules of a game to a group of friends. One person keeps looking at their watch, fidgeting with their hands, and shifting in their seat. Are they interested or disinterested?


What could you ask this person?


You’re discussing ideas for a group project, and one person is sitting straight up, making eye contact, nodding occasionally, but they’re rubbing their hands together and biting their lip.

What is their body language telling you?

They might be uncomfortable 

They might be nervous


You’re talking about a difficult situation you experienced, and the other person’s lips are pressed together, their brows are furrowed, and their eyes seem to show concern. 

Are their facial expressions showing concern or disinterest?

They are showing concern with their facial expressions.


I am full of keys but don't open doors, what am I?

A piano


You’re telling your friend about a movie you just watched. They’re facing you, nodding along, but they’re yawning and glancing at the clock every few seconds. Are they interested or disinterested?


How can you tell? What should you do?


You’re talking to a peer about a book you’re reading. They maintain eye contact, nod, and ask, ‘What’s the book about?’ while leaning in slightly. Are they interested or disinterested?


What would you ask them? How would you keep the conversation going?


As you talk about your favorite movie, the other person is sitting with their body turned slightly toward you, making occasional eye contact, but they’re slouched over with their arms on the table and not reacting much. 

What is their body language telling you?

They might be bored


You’re excitedly talking about an upcoming event. The person listening has wide eyes, slightly parted lips, and their eyebrows are lifted, but they aren’t smiling.

Are they interested or disinterested? 

Not very interested but maybe trying to be interested.


What has a head and a tail but no body?

A coin