Does breast lump mean cancer?
Around 80 percent of breast lumps actually begin as tumours or cysts.
True or false, breast cancer develops in the breast.
What does the ribbon associate with?
Individual generosity, faith in scientific progress, and a can-do attitude.
How many stages of cancer are there?
This is when should you perform a breast self-exam in relation to time of the month?
Examine yourself several days after your period ends, when your breasts are least likely to be swollen and tender. If you are no longer having periods, choose a day that's easy to remember, such as the first or last day of the month.
Do men get breast cancer?
True. It is estimated that about 2,190 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 410 will die each year.
True or false? Tumours are a mass of tissue caused by uncontrolled cell growth.
These two people made the ribbon?
Alexandra Penney, the editor-in-chief of the women's health magazine Self, and breast cancer survivor Evelyn Lauder
What is the name for the "0th Stage"?
Non Invasive Stage
This percentage of breast cancer is identified through self-examination?
Is it true that if you've had a family member who had cancer before, you will get it?
False. Women who have a family history do have a higher risk of getting it, but only about 10% of individuals with breast cancer have a family history.
Where can tumours spread?
Tumours can spread by entering blood or lymph vessels, which branch into tissues throughout the body.
What is the ribbon's goal?
It encourages consumers to focus on the emotionally appealing ultimate vision of a cure for breast cancer.
In stage 4, this has occurred with the cancer.
The cancer has spread through to other parts of the body, such as the brain, lungs, bones or lymphatic system.
In what part of the breast would you expect to find the most "lumps" and "bumps"?
The upper, outer area — near your armpit.
Breast cancers always come in lumps, true or false, if true give 2 examples of other signs.
False. Swelling, irritation, dimpling, and other abnormalities can all signal breast cancer
What is metastasis?
It is cancer cells traveling to other parts of the body and damaging other tissues and organs.
Each year, during breast cancer awareness month/day, we see pink ribbons around. What do we call these ribbons?
Ribbon of Hope
This has occurred in stage 2 breast cancer.
Cancer is growing; still in the breast or has extended to the nearby lymph nodes.
If you feel a lump in your breast that did not show up on a mammogram, what should you do?
Mammography misses at least 10 percent of breast cancer. So if you feel a lump that doesn't show up on a mammogram, bring it to your doctor's attention. Get it evaluated.